Mass Stream Sniping Cheater Epidemic – Dead by Daylight

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i kinda want it to stop but i kinda don’t


38 thoughts on “Mass Stream Sniping Cheater Epidemic – Dead by Daylight”

  1. This. This is their idea of trolling you. I hate to say it but as soon as you make this video, they win. “The best strategy to win the game is to simply never play”.

  2. Nah, it's a lot more widespread and isn't just localized to streamers. I was able to do three matches before I went to work this morning, all three of them had obvious cheaters. My girlfriend also plays, and she's been seeing someone using cheats probably about once ever 8-10 matches. I'm hearing similar stories from a lot of other people I know.

    It's becoming a serious problem.

  3. I don’t know much about stream sniping but I’m surprised there isn’t like a few seconds delay for streams. That would make stream sniping ineffective.

  4. Luckily I'm too small a streamer to worry about this. 340 Followers or so? But it sucks to see so many awesome creators having to deal with this, especially with the new craze of 'Insta 4 Gen Popping' which I ended up having in one of my streams. First ever hacker encounter but it seems like it was random chance than targetted considering it was a triple TTV lobby and they didn't actively fuck with any of us aside from that.

  5. You are always blowing things out of proportion. Heres a tip; dont stream when you play a game where people can f*ck with you. Other than that, suck it up, you are making money while playing a videogame, if you ask me you arent entitled to complain about hackers/cheater messing with you. Yours isnt some hopeless situation, you are being messes with in a videogame. If the cheater/hacker problem was so terrible as you think, BHVR would do something, the reason they havent is because this is a laughable issue affecting 0.1% of players (streamers). Hackers will always be a thing in gaming, get over it.

  6. YOURE LYING 🤥, cheaters simply can't stream it's banned and illegal and these elite hackers take so much time out of their day to crack these codes for illegal?

  7. scott this has been happening for over a year now but im glad you found a way to benefit from it and i hope others get to use it too. i think there shouldnt be a penalty that gets to over 10-20 mins until the overall cheater problem gets lessened in some way. i remember they did a mass ban a couple months ago that helped for a bit but clearly they recovered from it

  8. I keep getting the same guy like fully cheating and streaming at the same time but he just meme arround atleast he doesnt hold me hostage or try to hide hes cheating and pretend to be a good player

  9. Since sbmm was added i get lots of cheaters. A year ago i got one every 2nd game now i get an obvious cheater every 1-2hours. Cheaters can basically do everything in this game and aren't even banned after 3000+ hours. Easy anti cheat is the worst garbage.


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