MAX Screaming Pinhead Build | Dead by Daylight

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44 thoughts on “MAX Screaming Pinhead Build | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Bro alien perks is just op on bassically most killers

    Also rapid also works well with pin head you slow them down hit them get a speed boost and if you have save the best it's even worse

  2. I remember during the ptb how NOBODY talked about ultimate weapon. Some even called it out for being bad. But now EVRYBODY is talking about how strong, powerfull and op it is. Even though it has gone through zero changes since the ptb.

  3. 18:40 It's currently a bug in the game with face the darkness, if you ever visually see a scream but don't hear one, no one is actually there. It's pretty obnoxious, you have to keep an eye out for it

  4. I made a build that involves protecting the box, and it's annoying af to the survivors but fun to play. I got the purple addons that when they break chains another one spawns, and of course the purple that let's you see the box. The perks are SB, Insidious, StBfL, and face the darkness.

    The strat is just to "hide" near the box and protect it, if anyone gets too close you down them and if they pick it up you hook them relentlessly.

    I've gotten so much hate mail from this build… and I laugh so much xD

  5. switch+sloppy+ult weapon+ pain res
    they cant see box, screams proc switch, pain res proc switch, screams cancel and revert healing , box calncels and revert healing, SCREAM INTERRUPT BOX SOLVING

  6. Screaming has some bugs as of late. What you likely saw happen was the screams of the damned (aka dead survivors screaming where they were killed on hook)

    In case anyone goes looking for the TTV's pov, its their 24 hr 1k special at 19:44:00.

  7. Hello Coconut ,

    Claudette Here ! Just Wanted To Say Thanks For The Awesome Match . I Was In Solo Queue At The Time Idky Though Lol . But Looking At It From Your POV We Did Pretty Good That Turn Around Made Me Panic ! Once Laurie & Nicholas Died I Knew It Was Game Over >.< . I Think I Also Played Against You Later That Day On Yamoka With Same Build , So Now I Would Like To Try It 😈 . It Was An Honor To Help You Try Out This Build . Great Game & Commentary ! Goodluck In The Fog πŸ˜„


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