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  1. I have mixed feelings about this update, depends on your POV
    Good things about it: now the solo QUEUE got buffed because the skill ceiling just went down
    Bad things: now the skill ceiling is low, so people won't have to be precise and right on time, just aim and BOOOM
    Good things: now that the solo QUEUE is becoming stronger, you can make adjustments to the killers (and not perks), if the solo average solo QUEUE is strong enough to face strong killers without getting stomped, I believe this will be a good thing allowing them to adjust the killers

  2. Don’t be ridiculous, there is no way flashy saves were 1-2 frames, no one would be able to pull them off if they were.

    Also, if more survivors start using flashlights that’s literally a buff to killer as it is one of the worst items. Medlkits are by far the most game breaking item (which you already know)

  3. Just so you know "old" flashlight timing on normal pickup animations (was very generous and) was as soon as the killers hand reached the side of the head since true was struggling to find the words.

    The easiest way to understand it was when the killers hand reaches the top of their shoulder/lower part of their head, you start the blind.

    Anything before that you'd get the blind but not the drop, anything after the killer could look away.

    And as far as flashbangs go, you need to drop the flashbang when the killer transitions from a top-down grab to curling the survivor in their arm at their waist. You'll know the correct timing window because this switch in carry also correlates to them lifting the survivor to their hip so the second they transition the survivor to their hip, drop the flashbang and the killer can't do anything about it.

  4. Why there is so many bitching about it? Flashlight save has counterplay almost in any situation, especially when they cut locker blinds, why is this considering as buff and not just QoL change? If you want to balance for "high level" why even bothering this. The most skillful thing here is getting good angle and timing is just grinding muscle memory

  5. Is shocks me how they are trying so hard to reduce camping and tunneling “unfun for survivors” but they buff the stuff that’s unfun for killer, loosing your hook after a long chaise and having to do it over again.

  6. Basically old timing was when the killers hand reached their shoulder. Now the new timing is right as they go for the hoist up. I mean it isn't THAT big and it still punishes you if you are a bit early. We will see I guess.

  7. The problem here is that certain killers(most) have to follow the rule of hooking. Certain killers can slug and everything is fine and dandy. But say the weaker roster like ghostface, clown who have to follow these rules where 3 gens get done in your first chase, this is completely normal for high level btw no matter what the layout.

    I know the survivor community cried a lot about the meta shake up patch a while back. But tbh honest i could actually 2k against a strong 4 man by any means wasent a fun time regardless. But ever since the remake of rpd you can only 1k or most of the time 0k against them as a low tier. I really wish these devs would just stop trying to appease survivors since their role is already completely skilless now with all the ridiculous perks that they have.

  8. if someone gets into the position of a flashlight save, they'll probably get it anyway, this will clearly increase the success rate, but nevertheless, you shouldn't be putting yourself in that scenario in the first place. you should always be looking at a wall or getting an off-angle. there are of course exceptions to this (swf being one of course) but this in my opinion is an overall healthy change, especially since you can no longer blind during locker grabs. if you get blinded and subsequently are denied a hook, that is mostly because you put yourself in that position in the first place. Which is why in my almost 4k hours of dbd i have never used lightborn, its a completely wasted perk slot. once the person(s) with a flashlight knows you have lightborn, they will most likely put it down and pick up a more effective item, ie a toolbox or medkit, which therefore indirectly makes you less likely to confirm a down or get a hook because the survivor you need dead who had the flashlight has picked up a brown medkit and used it to heal, or another teammate has picked up a toolbox and sabotaged the hook. Missing a flashlight save is a double misplay, firstly the killer has put themselves in that position, and the survivor has missed the timing (most of the time in my experience they are too late maybe 8/10 times, other times they're too early). When it comes to something as grounded as flashlight saving this change will not have a huge effect on numbers or gameplay. locker saving being removed is the best thing tho for sure.


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