that claud was a chad but she was also lucky enough to be the obsession. crow lady wouldn't M1 claud even at the endgame so her greed for stacks really worked in your guys' favor xd
the reality: there aren't as many active players for the mmr system to work accurately. and to avoid long queue times, it can shamelessly match you up with a baby Ash, defeating the whole purpose of having a sbmm mmr system XD they really need to simplify matchmaking
The Survivor queues are long enough during primetime that Killers in queue don't get matched by MMR, they get matched to survivors that have been waiting the longest.
Allow me to explain what is happening, is not that MMR is not working, is actually working, I will explain why. 1 – First game everybody had same MMR, soo it was pretty balance. 2 – Second game is not that the MMR just broked, you have a mediocre Killer, against a team with 3 bad players and 1 good player, so in the numbers the MMR as a team was actually correct, this is an example lets say Killer MMR was *2000*. Survivor as a team Scott = 5000 MMR bad team mates 1000 each one. (5000+1000+1000+1000) / 4 = *2000*. So the numbers are correct and MMR at least in numbers is working. This issue is not something that happens only in DBD, this is an issue with every game that has MMR, as you climb in MMR the harder will be to find people of your same skill, so the game just try to find the most balance in numbers just to evade high time queues. The good, quicker queues times. The bad, unbalance across the games even thought the numbers are balanced. How other games fix this issue they have 2 different ways to play. League of legends for example have Normal queue, the one that DBD is using right now, and ranked mode, in this mode the MMR will try to find the most balance game across the players meaning that for example if your MMR is 5000 you will not face people with at least 50 points in difference in MMR (4950 minimum and 5050 at maximum). The bad really really long queues times. In league of legends high skill ranked players might need to wait an hour to play a game. And of course behavior do not want this, and neither do I.
I’m assuming this was late at night when mmr matchmaking stops working because the game gets ratio’d by survivors when casual players play with their friends after work or school
Edit: the game prioritizes queue times over equal matchmaking so that lobby times aren’t over an hour instead of 5-7 minutes that it is now
Yesterday i felt like Otzdarva, won 10 games in a row with Plague using only her 3 teachables..Yes MMR put me against bad players, its completely broken
Mmr is not a thing. Last week played around 20 demo matches (not to brag but I'm kinda decent with shreds not top tier but chases end relatively quick) and the majority of the survivors were absolute potatoes with either very random tier 1 perks or never looking behind…and yet mmr should provide balanced games right? Nothing about them was balanced hell in some of the games barely any gens got done (and for to be clear I only use pain resonance for slowdown)
Didn't they say that mmr tries to make you win 50% of your matches? That would mean that if you escape too much it should find you teammates that make you die, right? <3
What makes it worse (or better depending on your sense of humour) is that it's not just surv queue matching which is wonky – killer matching is zany as well. One game you might go against a baby killer with crap perks who whiffs attacks all match, the next it'll be a 4k hours veteran with laser precision accuracy and a build straight from the depths of hell.
but don't you think it's by design? At first I thought my MMR score was average, because I kept bouncing between noobs and god gamers, but it's literally happening to everybody else. At this point I'm nearly convinced that this is what BHVR was looking for: alternate chill matches with sweaty ones, so everyone would get accustomed to "win some, lose some" mentality. Problem is losses sting so much that people think they only play against comp players.
at least that's what I think SBMM does. Or it's just completely broken and there's no point of trying to make sense of it. I just find it weird how BHVR keep saying that they are satisfied with MMR results, but then again that company isn't famous for its transparency
ash has 270 hours if anyone is wondering. I couldn't find fengs profile unfortunately.
People, including Scott Jund, will look at terrible survivor players like this and think;
KilLeR iS sO eAsY
GaMe bAlaNcEd
Yeah bro if you play a pvp game against players much worse than you, you are probably gonna win a little bit haha
that claud was a chad but she was also lucky enough to be the obsession. crow lady wouldn't M1 claud even at the endgame so her greed for stacks really worked in your guys' favor xd
the reality: there aren't as many active players for the mmr system to work accurately. and to avoid long queue times, it can shamelessly match you up with a baby Ash, defeating the whole purpose of having a sbmm mmr system XD they really need to simplify matchmaking
The Survivor queues are long enough during primetime that Killers in queue don't get matched by MMR, they get matched to survivors that have been waiting the longest.
Allow me to explain what is happening, is not that MMR is not working, is actually working, I will explain why.
1 – First game everybody had same MMR, soo it was pretty balance.
2 – Second game is not that the MMR just broked, you have a mediocre Killer, against a team with 3 bad players and 1 good player, so in the numbers the MMR as a team was actually correct, this is an example lets say Killer MMR was *2000*. Survivor as a team Scott = 5000 MMR bad team mates 1000 each one. (5000+1000+1000+1000) / 4 = *2000*. So the numbers are correct and MMR at least in numbers is working.
This issue is not something that happens only in DBD, this is an issue with every game that has MMR, as you climb in MMR the harder will be to find people of your same skill, so the game just try to find the most balance in numbers just to evade high time queues. The good, quicker queues times. The bad, unbalance across the games even thought the numbers are balanced. How other games fix this issue they have 2 different ways to play. League of legends for example have Normal queue, the one that DBD is using right now, and ranked mode, in this mode the MMR will try to find the most balance game across the players meaning that for example if your MMR is 5000 you will not face people with at least 50 points in difference in MMR (4950 minimum and 5050 at maximum). The bad really really long queues times. In league of legends high skill ranked players might need to wait an hour to play a game. And of course behavior do not want this, and neither do I.
Mixed monkey rating
I’m assuming this was late at night when mmr matchmaking stops working because the game gets ratio’d by survivors when casual players play with their friends after work or school
Edit: the game prioritizes queue times over equal matchmaking so that lobby times aren’t over an hour instead of 5-7 minutes that it is now
"Just do things faster, I don't know"
Thanks coach
MMR = one match everything was cool next match wtf why is there still 5 gens it’s been like 20 mins in real time.
Literally my games all the time!
the survivors i get as killer vs the teammates i get as survivor
Delete mmr
Rly enjoyed the artist content, kinda sad other people apparently didn't enjoy her as much.
Yesterday i felt like Otzdarva, won 10 games in a row with Plague using only her 3 teachables..Yes MMR put me against bad players, its completely broken
I realized after watching the video that the Kate and the Feng are a duo that play on Switch, they only save each other. lol
Otz's coaching session with AnnaChess, her first ever match got matched with players over 2k hours. MMR doesn't work
These are deadass my survivors when i go against the worlds best blight main
Mmr is not a thing. Last week played around 20 demo matches (not to brag but I'm kinda decent with shreds not top tier but chases end relatively quick) and the majority of the survivors were absolute potatoes with either very random tier 1 perks or never looking behind…and yet mmr should provide balanced games right? Nothing about them was balanced hell in some of the games barely any gens got done (and for to be clear I only use pain resonance for slowdown)
Didn't they say that mmr tries to make you win 50% of your matches? That would mean that if you escape too much it should find you teammates that make you die, right? <3
"they just do everything with perks"
oh you know the saying: make a problem, sell the solution.
I am convinced, MMR is like perk roulette, some rolls you get meta others this, lmao.
What makes it worse (or better depending on your sense of humour) is that it's not just surv queue matching which is wonky – killer matching is zany as well.
One game you might go against a baby killer with crap perks who whiffs attacks all match, the next it'll be a 4k hours veteran with laser precision accuracy and a build straight from the depths of hell.
but don't you think it's by design? At first I thought my MMR score was average, because I kept bouncing between noobs and god gamers, but it's literally happening to everybody else. At this point I'm nearly convinced that this is what BHVR was looking for: alternate chill matches with sweaty ones, so everyone would get accustomed to "win some, lose some" mentality. Problem is losses sting so much that people think they only play against comp players.
at least that's what I think SBMM does. Or it's just completely broken and there's no point of trying to make sense of it. I just find it weird how BHVR keep saying that they are satisfied with MMR results, but then again that company isn't famous for its transparency
I see nothing wrong
Base mechanics as perks has been and will continue to be the worst problem with dbd.
Only me who wants a tournament with but with shit players?
This video—in case there was anyone left who thought that MMR actually does its job in any capacity.