MMR in DBD shouldn't be a thing… | Dead by Daylight

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21 thoughts on “MMR in DBD shouldn't be a thing… | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I agree based on the fact the devs just came out and said they are balancing for casual play and not competitive.. which led to the comp leagues now ending. Probably better to not have mmr in a game they want to be casual.

  2. I see there are some angry surv mains here I understand you all enjoy the MMR system but I’d like to see it be improved or removed I welcome you to leave your opinions but please be respectful

    I appreciate you all

  3. The last game I played of dbd i was doing a Freddy daily. I don't play as much so my mmr is low. But I have at least 1k hours. So I'm decent. There was 3 survivors in my lobby… with a p100 sable. How is that sable in the same mmr as people who just started playing the game? I don't think mmr even works 😂

  4. You say at 0:53 "i love casual games so i kinda despise mmr". This to me seems contradictory, i am also a casual and i think mmr makes the game more casual friendly and what i mean by that if it is working as intended! A person who is bad loses a lot, that means the more he loses the easier the opponents will be –> buff for casuals!

    Chaos shuffle: you say you faced the same killers with the same perks. In my experience that is completly not true, i had lots of different killers and lots of different perks. What i did notice however was that the perks were not completly random, i think if you have a hexperk it's more likely to have another one or if you are survivor quite often you have perks which all help bodyblocking or healing someone. So i would say i agree that the perks aren't completly random, but mmr having impact on the killers or perks is not what i think. Literally every round i had different perks so i can't agree with what you said.

  5. Bhvr shouldn't remove mmr from the game because it would go against their goals of eliminating all fun and skill expression from the game. If they were to remove mmr, the players might accidentally have fun, and that would just be tragic.

  6. Very based take. I'm a killer who doesn't tunnel and thinks slowdown is for idiots. As time has moved on and they've… "fixed" MMR, it's become clear that means I have to get used to losing. And that's fine. It's a game; sometimes we lose in games. It just feels inherently gross to make the most unfun metas season after season, then have you actively be punished if you use them or not. Use them and win–now you go against people who have never bathed. Don't use them, probably lose–now you are against infants.

  7. It’s not that MMR was high my friend it’s that 3x bloodpoints was randomly dropped and the community wanted to make the best out of it. And how do you make the best of it? By consistently trying to win every game using the strongest build and being sweaty. There’s no more bp bonus currently. I encourage you to play now and you’ll feel like mmr was never a thing. If you don’t believe me watch Scott Jund, he backs this idea up aswell.

  8. I boosted my Blight MMR pretty high yet I'm still bad Blight player. I feel like every game is against Hens, Zaka, JRM and Otz (sometimes solo, often swf). I took a 3 months break, and when returned I finished only 1 game, the rest were my rage quits, because it was so fking frustrating. I'm not good enough to play against sweaty SWFs

  9. I think the MMR was messed up with chaos shuffle at the start, I was going against players with less then 100 hours every game and 4King at 5 gens almost every game. I think this game needs MMR honestly its no fun steamrolling or getting steamrolled IMO.

  10. I swear i win matches (3k or 4k) many times in a row and still get people that are new to the game and have no idea what they are doing. And other times its cracked out gods that have played the game since it released. Shit is so wack man 😅😅

  11. I think my general take is that MMR has it's place of being a fun game. If there was zero MMR, my huntress games would be getting maybe one good survivor, and having a stomp-fest. I do agree, dealing with a sweaty lobby constantly is annoying, so I think MMR should have a lower cap so the top isn't just the same group. I will say though that I think modes like Lights Out, 2v8, and chaos shuffle should have limited MMR. And also COMPLETELY shuffled perks.

  12. Yeah I honestly missed the randomness of it all and the fact it wasn’t a sweatfest was nice. I could chill with friends and have a couple of bad games AND good games without trying super hard, as a killer I could be more goofy or I could try to win with bad games AND good games. I can’t really play anymore since I have a life outside the game + I’m not competitive. For the first couple of matches I feel bad since they’re literally brand new and I don’t feel satisfied beating/giving them the win. After those matches, every match feels like an absolute steamroll by people with +5k hours which also leaves me unsatisfied.

    All in all, I’m glad I dropped the game. I still like watching content on the game (it’s complexity in simplicity is fascinating for me), but playing it feels like I’m being punished for daring to play the game.

  13. I LOVED dbd before the whole MMR system. Yeah sometimes I got sweaty/toxic Killers but I even managed to enjoy those matches. I'm not a god-sent player but I can hold chase pretty decently, however since the introduction of MMR I've had such unbalanced matches it was insane. The amount of times I went solo q and my entire team consisted of prestige 1 players that didn't know when to throw pallets and barely had green perks but we went against a P100 Killer who ofc obliterated us is insane. Like one match I'm going against someone who's entirely new/new to the currently played Killer or against a P100 who doesn't know what grass is and slugs at 5 gens. It's not fun anymore and so unbalanced. My own Killer matches look no different, I used to win a decent amount (aka 3k and giving last person hatch), have the occasional loss here and there (aka all survs escaping) but I had fun, now I as a prestige 20 Killer get P100 swf teams and get destroyed every match while hearing constant flashlight clicking. They should add a specific mode for MMR but make the game more casual by removing it from basic matches. I'm really so close to taking ANOTHER year long break because dbd is crack rn. (Sorry for the rant)


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