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Today’s Alien Xenomorph build is all about Vault speed inside a consistent build with us getting up to 85% vault speed thanks to Xeno’s add on plus bamboozle and superior anatomy we can catch survivors off guard incredibly well! The 30 Days of Xenomorph has been a blast so far and I hope you all are enjoying it!
I hope you all are ready! Sit back and enjoy some Survivor massacre! Hope the dbd, dbd mobile Dead by daylight mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities all love the Rank 1 Killer Gameplay!
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00:00 Build Breakdown
01:20 Xenomorph Gameplay
1 minute, reporting in!
Just in time for a new upload from red
7 mins🫡 also love watching your content always shows me killer builds that are amazing that or youre just too good🗣️
Clone Xenomorph definitely one of the more “disgusting” skins in the game, they did a good job designing lol
Build looks super fun to play
Yea, not a fan of that skin
I kinda want to play again, i might when i get home
Was literally about to search Alien clone gameplay since I have yet to see any when i saw you uploaded this 30 min ago. Thank you
I personally don’t like all the cuts in the video. But that’s me.
Hey Red! Had a Xeno build that sounded cool, but I don't have Singularity. Maybe you can give it a try?
* Infectious Fright
* Forced Hesitation
* Rapid Brutality
– Harpoon Gun
– Self Destruct Bolt
The basic idea is to get into a chase, use STBFL and Rapid Brutality to end it quickly, then use Infectious and Forced Hesitation to chain it into nearby survivors. Great video as ever!
Are you liking Xenomorph? I've been enjoying facing them a lot
Oh hey I remember watching this on stream, lots of fun!
Wow that's awesome videos I enjoy watching your videos 😂😂😂😊
No need for vault perks. At this Meta u better thake Korrupt, noed or no way out. Vault Perks are so useless on him.
Clone xenomorph looks like a mangled penis.
The penomorpgh is very weird looking.
I think Xeno is probably the easiest and most fun killer to play in the game. Nice, simple and effective. I hope to get more killers like this in the future.
Spirit fury, enduring, and sbfl on xeno is super fun. Very aggressive and snowball-y