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39 thoughts on “MORE REWORK CLOWN VIDEOS! – Dead by Daylight”

  1. The hudd was fine the way it was glad to see the devs make this top priorities instead of fixing the god damn totem placements i loved this game but now its going yo hell in a hand bag your videos aee awesome man and thank you for an hour long video

  2. Ohhhhh kk i had too run it back to 16:01 because they said you could no longer aura read thru hex totems no more just dull totems, unless they changed they're mind and just added the 2× cleanse limit and transferable tokens

  3. Question, why did Jaee change CG?I liked the old one because it had a anime feel to it and the new one just looks like CG-I (see what I did there, haha haha, I'm in danger)

  4. Dude, I fucking love how this game suppose to be about killers vs survivors yet the killers been traumatized by survivors more than other way around lol. I just realized that when I saw jae get cautious of a locker lol, got me thinking. As a killer you are fucking taught to respect pallets or get smacked, to respect lockers cause might be head on, to also be afraid to pick anyone up if they been hooked not too long ago cause of DS lol, to never get anyone out of locker after a hook cause ds, to be mindful of slugging cause there is unbreakable, to constantly keep track of gens and totems, to run away from your hooks or you lose points or wont get your stack or power activated if they unhook when you are too close, to be careful of swf and names in lobby, to be always slugging 3rd kill and look for a hatch or 4th survivor likely escapes, to even fucking be careful when you swing cause there might be dead hard lol. Fucking jesus christ, killers are abuse victims in this game, but be fucking careful and not say that on their brain dead steam forum or they will ban you for stating that you are being abused cause it's not pc enough, mean while leaving all the troll survivors free to post as they shower people with insults, great devs great game, can't wait for something similar to get successful so I can leave this cancer behind.

  5. That color switch wont work if they pay attention.. The speed stuff always takes time before it takes effect.. It stays white for a while.. The slow down does not. It changes color almost immediately and works as soon as it pops. It honestly should not fool anyone that has a brain.

  6. What do you mean you get to keep your tokens and stacks after a hex has been cleansed?? I don’t quite understand it. Does that mean after it got cleansed and you got the five tokens with devour hope, you are able to mori the survivor still??

  7. 16:23 omfg wow! The fingers actually come off the hand now?! Thank God for attention to detail.. youd think something so simple would of been implemented day one.. like when you cut a finger off, there should be one less finger on that hand.. only took 5 years, but it happened! 🙂


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