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Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at
Might've been a crash. Pinhead had injured survivors that he wasn't far from. Could've gotten more hooks or even a kill or two if he played right.
Bro uploads every game he plays
Windows is so amazing. Was great before but now it is op lol
"You have to really like diqq", 4:14
No that’s a bug… it happens from time to time— rage quit would of happen a lot sooner since he was on her ass.
People can't tell when you're taking a piss because you only show your upper body. Get a separate cam for your lower body so we can see.
Inner healing perk is pretty good.
LOL nope
Wouldnt even blame him really the bullshit you have to deal with as killer is at an all time high!!!
What is he referring to at 4:05 ?
Since he can't come anymore he just went.
Good pinhead needs be nerf to the ground anyways he a disgrace to what this game was made and he will be nerf to ground happy trails
Mr TrueTalent can I ask you about Nemesis's best perks on your opinion
Every match I played someone has ragequit for this update most of the time is 2-3 people
"It's super easy to get one kill as Killer."
0:49 whichever way you see it, it's just so comical that you can stun a cenobite by dropping a pallet on their faces lol
WE. NEED. DC. PENALTY. But honestly I wouldn't blame this guy for having enough. We need more, maybe get you maybe not loops, not must break the pallet loops.
Sooo how is he op???
At that point rage quitting is pretty stupid. Could have at least gotten the BP.
Man all your viewers on twitch care about is crypto talk and not DBD.
I just hope people don’t use the healing boon as a free medkit (assuming it doesn’t require one to utilize, idk) and just run that and toolboxes forever.
Tu3 is the best – great dbd gameplay PLUS tons of crypto-talk!
I remember back then when dbd was a game where you would just have a good time playing, now all the crap killers have to go through is sad, along with nobody having joy anymore in this game
Playing killer in dbd is litteraly unbearable anymore. I usually main Freddy pinhead and bubba. and it’s just honestly not even fun. By the time I down 2 maybe 3 survivors 3 gens are just gone already. Every time I go to play killer I wanna just stop myself and get on a different game.
How can True tell that he has undying as soon as he cleansed the ruin? Cause I get touching the gen after can tell you but he knew before that.