They Made Basic Killers Decent Again | Dead by Daylight

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Good stuff I’m a fan of the basic killer buffs, a bit too much endurance from survivor side but I’m sure it’s going to get fixed!

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39 thoughts on “They Made Basic Killers Decent Again | Dead by Daylight”

  1. As a Pig main when I saw the changes they were making to killer I was crying tears of joy! It’s gonna be much nicer to play these lower tir killers.

  2. As a killer main. I hope killers aren’t too overpowered. I keep seeing people post vids of them just pooping on survivors. I hope I get to see some overpowered stuff from survivor side soon.

  3. The killer's buff is placebo, because everyone that I saw test it have STBFL and Brutal, the values didn't change that much for the perks. The only significant change is 10sec on gen and 10% less InjureSprintBurst.

  4. I think STBFL will become a new Meta Perk, including for M1 Killers like Wraith just because with the new 10% faster speed default, and less speed boost, it now has a better chance of shaving precious seconds before a survivor can reach a new pallet/tile before you catch up to them. Additionally, with the 10% faster kick speed, I think Brutal Strength could actually be quite useful now, especially since it seems like Overcharge will become the new Pop, even if they nerf it which I expect they will, combining it with Dragon's Grip and even Call of Brine is insanely powerful!

  5. I don't understand why nobody is running Dead Hard in the PTB. There were plenty of scenarios here where it would have been even better than the old one, namely when you lunge at someone before they reach a pallet. New Dead Hard means you're immune to lunges basically, so pallets become so much safer.

  6. A lot of killer mains left DBD because of boon circle of healing and MMR. Now Behavior is trying to get them back so that's why they've been doing the killer buffs and saying killers aren't killing enough…even though the average kill rates for all killers were 50%.

  7. I never could have dreamed of such good killer changes, if it continues on like this i see a bright future.
    As for the survivor endurance effect, yeah its a busted but i think theyll fix it.
    This gives me hope for playing killer again because anxiety stopped me, this changes so much… somehow.

  8. Sbfl is my favorite perk in the game as is however this effective new 10 stack maximum scares me that BHVR will nerf it to only be able to hold 6 stacks to account for the extra speed. I hope it remains like this, its beautiful

  9. Slightly increase killer speed action/movement, increase gen time, but it takes like 4 hits to down a survivor running the endurance meta not including body blocks which will be a regular thing now. LOL


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