More Things That We Take For Granted In DBD (Part 2)

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This video showcases more things that we nowadays take for granted in dead by daylight

Footage from other people that I’ve used in this video:

Any other video footage that is not listed is either stuff that I’ve recorded myself or from the DBD Wiki

All images are from The DBD Wiki/Reddit/YouTube/Google Images

The DBD Wiki:

Crosstown Traffic Remix –
Silent Hill 2 White Noiz –
March Of The Minis –

0:00 – Endgame Collapse
1:50 – Intro
2:07 – No Laggy Skill Checks
3:33 – The Bloodweb
5:09 – Status HUD
6:25 – Perk Search Bar
7:38 – Outro

sorry for the narration being so bad
nonetheless, hope u enjoy :3


27 thoughts on “More Things That We Take For Granted In DBD (Part 2)”

  1. i will 4ever stand on the game staying a cat and mouse. as much as i hate to admit, ppl like no0b and others made the game unfun to play. a hide and run play style is what the devs were going for instead of looping and sweating.

  2. The end game collapse could very well be the best addition they ever made to the game. I have had a couple hour hatch standoffs personally. while memorable and a funny memory it caused so many awful things in this game. Bully squads or intentional staller it caused so much pain.

  3. There are so many basic quality of life features the game should already have. Why can't you favourite perks? Why aren't perks in categories that you can filter on? Perk list is hell to go through when not remembering that one perks name. Why can't you hold a button in-game and view your perks and addons and read them? Why is it that we don't have match history?
    So many ways to increase QoL and even help new players to learn the game. Screw the game modes bhvr been thinking aobut, make the actual base game complete first

  4. For those wondering about old Bloodweb:

    Everytime you purchased an item, it would show you a notification requiring you to click off.

    Way slower movement speed

    Items were not priced on rarity, instead on how far they were from the center. 3,000 for one away, 5,000 for middle area, 8,000 for far away.

    No auto purchasing

    Old prestige system

    Only 1 perk was available per bloodweb level.

  5. At 2:07 I deal with this issue in every single map because I don’t have that good of a device to play on. Only thing different is sometimes I have to press it even earlier than what was shown and other times there is no lag, it makes the game really difficult and annoying for me which is why I have to result to using trash perks such as technician to stop being found by the killer because of my lag 😭…

  6. The first time I played dbd was around 2017 on ps4. I remember playing as Hillbilly and got a 4k, well, almost. As I hooked the last survivor, they were just stuck on the hook for a very long time, and since I just started I just thought it was normal, then I just assumed he was hacking and I just dc’d, the survivor even messaged me saying he doesn’t know what happened

  7. Ngl I miss the good ol hatch standoffs back in the day. Kinda wish they kept the ability to yoink survivors out of the hatch, I thought it was so cool.

    But I’m with everyone on egc being one of the best things added. I was a scaredy cat survivor back then and hid like crazy so much I remember killers sometimes message me after 10-15 minutes of searching saying they’ll let me go just come out 😭 looking back I understand their frustration

  8. Status HUD was a Great change and bring me back to dbd after i pause in 2019
    Soloqs are bit more cordinated, but i prefer more like this to bring soloq closer to swf so you can better buff and nerf things


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