Most Dead by Daylight players would dodge this

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40 thoughts on “Most Dead by Daylight players would dodge this”

  1. Zubat talked about how their team deserved no respect, but honestly that game looked like it would have been very fun had he not curb stomped them within the first 30 seconds

    Their team had no dead hards, no borrowed times, only one boon, only one ds and unbreakable, only two of medkit swaps were good medkits

    It just looked like a group of friends trying to have fun together rather than a sweaty swf

  2. I hate teams that try to "hide" their strats or builds and switch off last second, but I have not faced one yet that weren't overconfident morons who lost to Altruism or just having 4 people loop for gens with nobody actually doing objectives. Maybe it's just because I play at garbage MMR though. Always great fun to watch them get deleted though.

  3. I love overly altruistic SWFs. They give me the most fun and tense matches ever as killer because it's not hard to punish the mentioned altruism, and despite that they still keep trying constantly.

  4. Been playing this game on and off for years and this is the first time one of my games has made it into YouTube. I’m happy to be demolished by this man 😂😂

  5. And he did it without 4 slow downs 😎😎I've seen a few people use this build on Billy and 4k no problem.Its because it takes a dayum good killer to do it so effortlessly 🙌🙌GG's Zubat will always be the GOAT🔥😏


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