My Amanda's Letter DOMINATES | Pig, Dead By Daylight

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29 thoughts on “My Amanda's Letter DOMINATES | Pig, Dead By Daylight”

  1. I have to agree about Fallout 3. Still one of my favorites to this day. Still have a copy of Game Informer with Fallout 3 as the main article and I can remember reading it over and over being excited for the release.

  2. if that wasn't a swf then those are the most altruistic solo q survivor players I have seen. 5 actual minutes passed before the first gen was even done… and that didn't even include the opening of the actual match!

    These are the types of "teammates" I loathe whenever I chose to play survivor because they skipped the "doing generators" part of tutorial and usually get wrecked like this.

  3. Tbh, New Vegas is shit. Yes, the story is great and it is an all around fun game but the amount of game breaking bugs there are makes it unplayable. I’ve encountered so many bullshit bugs that forced me to go back to previous saves and replay through everything I’ve just done because Bethesda refuses fix their shitty games. Fallout 3 is far more superior.


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