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00:00 – 00:33 Intro
00:33 – 05:31 Greenville
05:31 – 09:00 Hawkins
09:00 – 11:07 Garden of Pain
11:07 – 15:10 The Game
8 views in 1 minute, you fell off smh
two previous videos with this same build Yeah, title tracks.
Chuck is op run dipshit
10:23 ayo hold up
Jesus Christ, that charge was long
the 1 dislike is a certified chucky hater
Long run kills are so satisfying
13:50 is what i call "the slight elevation/dbd map generation tech" performed by survivors simply existing
i figure wesker had a similar bug back at the time when hawkins was re-released but this thing is still in the game and has been consistently fucking up some chases for me on maps like gideon, mac and nostromo
i doubt they will fix it considering how small of an impact it makes on the regular pub chucky playerbase and how little attention this niche bug is getting
chucky was angry about the stolen hits at the end of the last game too lol
Bro what were they thinking when allowing this addon 💀
When Bronx' maniacal laugh turns into Chucky's……