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I’ve always had a soft spot for the Macmillan maps
Where is this balanced Coal Tower? When I play killer there is 15 pallets and 4 long walls and when I play survivor there is 2 pallets and 4 long short wall pallet tiles. xD
This game would be a much better game if inside maps didn't exist. Honestly I'm fine w/motherdwelling and all that.
Valid points, I like that you can explain your reasoning so clearly.
BTW: Still waiting for circle shaped map.
Edit: Trial warmup is such a good idea, I made 2 topics on forums linking to your vid, but majority of people are just survivor main babies who cry about literally anything killer related :/
The most fair maps in the game, are probably coal tower, a few coldwind maps, and father campbells chapel(clown map)
I love Coal Tower on both sides, it's always fun. Rarely get 3 genned on this map too.
Coal Tower?
More like COOL Tower!
The blue tint
Old Macmillan :c
Man that B-roll footage is ANCIENT
I fucking loved that intro
come shack coal tower 1v1 :))
I was mildly concerned you were gunna say suffocation pit.
I once had a survivor rage at me saying coal tower is extremely killer sided… damn I never laughed so hard at dumb stuff people say
Awww he thinks those facialPubes is a beard. super cute
So when are we getting "my most mediocre map"
Also, do you have any ideas on how to stop the gen-stall meta? Early game just goes to fast and it makes people feel like they need to bring like at least 2 gen-stall perks, god-forbid the people who decide to run 4. They are boring perks yet seem so desperately needed like exhaustion perks.
is one of the few maps that actualy are kinda killer sided tbh. good map for killer.
Auto haven will always be my favorite
I cut people off all the time in midwhich
Mine is Ormond personally.
No, I'm not insane.
Just replace every map with coal tower. Problems solved
coal tower gang. since 1.0 coal tower has been my favorite map no questions. ever since the godwindow was removed, coal tower got even better
Video starts at 0:01, your welcome
Bro Wrecker's yard used to be garbage for killer, but it is one of my favorite maps now, and it's actually fair.
i think the map looks bad, very old dbd feel. I like the newer maps n shit, but this map is still great.
More like Troll Tower! We all know this map is just as survivor sided as there rest of the game. #noed
Nooo Scott don't tell them all the good things about coal tower they will remove them all
10/10 intro
I played all day yesterday and didn’t get autohaven once. That’s all I hope you have a better day than I did yesterday
Even the breakable walls couldn't ruin this map.
im gonna say it, coal tower sucks ass, give me hawkins over that shit any day
In DBD I just can’t say there is a best map because of RNG and the lack of seeds. You can get a very cool coal tower and the next match you can get the strongest tile next to each other and next to the tower loop. And that’s every map. You can always get bad RNG on either side. So instead, going by probability, I prefer to look at realms. The dark forest maps are mostly better for killer and the farm maps are mostly better for survivor, end of story for me.
"I never get coal Tower anymore"
I felt the fuck outta that
Hey schott, a little bird told me someone said that myers is the worst killer…
can we talk about the fact, that we had no new map in almost a year.
It used to be that there is a new map with almost every chapter. There are 5 chapters in total without a map and 3 of them are nr 17, 18 and 19.
I never see coal tower. All I see is cowshed, haddonfield, midwich and badham
Change the title to EVERY Macmillan map a lesser degree for suffocation pit
Rancid abattoir is also a solid map, at least pre rework.
Your second favorite map is Chapel am I right?
you will have those matches where you get 4 t n ls and 1 pallet gym, it is very much possible.
But yes otherwise completely agree best map
why does baby Jund look so angry.
Baby Scott Baby Scott Baby Scott Baby Scott
As killer my favourite map is shelter woods.
Seeing the old HUD brought me back to a happier place
I feel like Coal tower is a meh map for me as a killer because I primarily play Blight and ironically the smaller size hurts Blight's power because it's less likely a survivor will be caught out in a bad spot.
The fact that you take so much time holding W to get across big maps is really bad, I wonder if there is a way to fix this.
Old Campbell's chapel and coal tower are my fav maps in dbd easily