My Final "F*ck You" To The Cheaters – Dead By Daylight

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All the time, money, people and effort they spent… Only to fail and wind up being clowns in the end… GG!

Otz and SpookyLoopz recent videos on cheaters

Go check out Ralph on Twitch!

Me destroying cheaters!


26 thoughts on “My Final "F*ck You" To The Cheaters – Dead By Daylight”

  1. The cheating has been so common lately I've actually quit DBD. I stay in touch with the community through yourself and Scott but I am glad I took a step back for a while. BHVR need to do something about this because it's happening to regular players too and it not only ruins the match it ruins the entire emersion of the game and the atmosphere that comes with playing it. The cheating quickly reminds me that actually it's just a once fun game that got too popular and infested with script kiddies that pretty much now run the show. Same thing happened Pubg and L4D2, really fun to play until it was ruined by hacks. So you either join them or you move on to something else. I am currently playing Marvel Snap? Snap Marvel? it's coming out on steam in October I heard or at least PC. Been having loads of fun with it and I highly recommend it. Currently playing it on an emulator but it's definitely worth for now. DBD might be slowly coming to an end at this rate, BHVR need to realize this is how a lot of popular games eventually come to their demise. Cheating gets out of hand and loyal followers eventually get fed up and move on.

  2. I do not see hackers at all, I only started playing dbd like last december but ever since then ive been invested and throughout all the games ive played through ive seen 2 blatant hackers and 1 possibly subtle hacker, and 2 of the times i definitely saw hackers they didn't hold the game hostage, they just wanted to hack to win games but thankfully they were ass at the game and i beat them, one of them i think had to press the "OH SHIT GET ME OUT" button when i downed them on their last hook

  3. Yeah the cheating is getting out of hand.
    I played a week after rank reset & damn they love sitting at brown ranks. Probably think the noobs won't know they are cheating (or the sad truth even with cheats they are still dog shit at the game.)

    But the one game I had they looked me dead in the face though a solid wall after I shook my head at them lmao yeah real slick.
    I only knew because I had an aura reading perk on.

    It's amazing what you see when they think they are being slink about it.

    At this point I'm ready to turn off cross play for a bit if not forever since the devs aren't doing anything at the moment.

  4. I guess luckily for me i have not actually ran into any blatant cheaters there may be subtle ones but i mainly play survivor so i cant tell really at all besides of course if there is screaming and so on

  5. Tbh I think they don’t care about the general player base only streamers they care about because I haven’t see a cheater since 2 years ago or if I have then there all subtle cheating but that’s my say in this. Hopefully they run out of money soon lol

  6. Yeah just started a few weeks back. I didn't see it when I was new but it's constant since I hit gold. Glad this was free I'm not investing any more money in this. Don't care if they're on my team i don't want a tainted victory. I just took a video of a Claudette that ran a ridiculous speed and when I died I spectated and her skill checks were almost the whole way around. 😂😂

  7. I had my first run in with cheaters as survivor and I felt really bad so me and someone else let the killer kill us so he still got some blood points despite there being a hacker. I reported them and had a nice chat with the killer and other survivors afterwards and we all reported them

  8. I have only experienced some guy using a lag switch once when I was playing Slinger. Whenever I got close to them, I started to lag like crazy. I did manage to get them on a hook eventually, and bam… DDOS'd out of the game.

  9. I’ve reported 2 cheaters 1 week ago I got responses today saying they’re gonna take actions against them, guess what
    One extra week passed after their respond and I checked the cheaters profiles they didn’t get ban or anything.


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