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I always get asked the question “What are your Controller settings for DBD?” I use KontrolFreek attachments which aid with my accuracy in any game that I play. If you would like to give them a try, Links down below
Precision Rings (Amazon):
Performance Thumbsticks PS (Amazon):
Performance Thumbsticks Xbox (Amazon):
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First with the haggy!!
Ah I always love your uploads, they either in the morning or during the day, granny’s gotta eat!!
I am one of the firsts
I loveee moonwalk granny
No way did baseballstud try to disrespect the granny!!
@Negoose can you please tell me the title from your outro? I love it <3 can hear it the whole day
with the.. GRRannyy
Let's goooo
That ending was pretty wholesome !
Negoose " I messed up the order" McDonald's you're hired
12:34 random moment
11:40 stranger things bad ending
Today's my bday and this video made my day! love ur uploads!!!
Love the Granny.
I never miss an upload! Let's go Hag
The Granny is just too much for them!
That Cheryl was the goat.
I laughed SO HARD with the moonwalk competition HAHAHA. It's nice seeing you memeing once in a while.
play sum myers😃
Loved the moonwalk😂granny got some moves
i love the cheryl is not toxic but enjoy dancing just wholesome bro 😂
i was watching someone play hag and they were getting cooked, i was like “negoose could’ve won that ez” 🫡
I love your moment with Cheryl, I always love styling players