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My Sadako (Onryo) against Otzdarva, an amazing and friendly DbD fog whisperer. It was a very hard match but a lot of fun, a pleasure to play against him and his team! If you enjoyed, make sure to hit the like button and subscribe to the channel, it keeps me motivated to make more DbD content!
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MY SADAKO VS Otzdarva *IT WAS EXHAUSTING* | Dead by Daylight
#dbd #sadako #otzdarva #highmmr #tryhard #competitive #dbdclips #dbdvideo #intothefog #bhvr #rank1
Pls stop spoiling the end of the Match at the beginning :c❤️
Ahhh man you definitely Killing it this game is nice and all but I rather watch it then play it. The amount of anger I get from playing killer 😒
You are the best
Does anybody know when the chapter releases?
This is awesome Seth, great game. I wish more of the dbd community had more mutual respect for other players like you do.
SWF in DBD are so bad for this game. They just made the solo queue unplayable, and for the killer, it's very stressful and most of the time boring to play against.
how did yk it was Otz
Gg wp Seth
As much as i like sadako shes just lacking sure you can win against mediocre survivors but against ppl like this theres just so much you can do she defo needs some buff
5:33 HOW !!!
no otz pov ?
I would like to see Otzdarva's team against your Bubba.
Do you have the link of this game from Otz's twitch?
I want to see it from the survivor's perspective, cheers!
Otzdarva's Twitch VOD (survivors perspective). I couldn't find it when editing this clip but I did now: starting at 00:58
how cool you played against otz!! good job seth
Well 3 generator survivors can give calmly in 1 minute. And to catch and tell the story of one surve in one minute is not a bad result. And the surves are abusive to the freewin that the developers gave them. As I see it today, the killer's victory is turned on by the survivors, not by the skill/knowledge of the killer. Party and Discord completely shatter an already sluggish balance. To rank for a survivor now you do not need to be able to do anything, sat down and glued to the generator. Video is an example of this. But it's worth noting that Ace really understands what's going on
Why are people bringing up SWF's in the comments when Otz was playing solo?