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For me I can't even have fun with pinhead I'm always against super tryhards so what's the point on playing pinhead if his power only works when u can find the box but if not ur getting looped 5 gens
other theory: the fallback time for increasing the player skill gap search radius is not long enough and/or not based on how many players are queuing so if you are in matchmaking queue for 2-3+ minutes it already looks for wider skill gaps in survivors.
paired with how the new system is (more inaccuracy of mmr) it produces this effect.
i sure hope it's not just simply what Scott Jund said, because that would render that long testing phase a moot point. It would also mean they need to hire a consultant for MMR-systems or have another failure at their hands.
To be honest I’m just coming back to the game and I assume others are doing the same so good players could also have lower mmr. Also maybe good players are just playing with friends explaining the 2 good 2 bad players argument, idk I haven’t played enough to tell and I’m sure most people haven’t played enough for the mmr system to be working properly
Guaranteed I've basically been playing Pinhead exclusively (outside of a few matches as Blight, Bubba, Wraith, and a few others) but I've 3-4k'd almost every match. I've been having a lot of suicides and DCs though so maybe my MMR is screwed up because of that? Maybe they discredit those games or something?
Who knows. MMR seems completely nonfunctional but I'm not getting super sweaty games and hour long queues like some people say they are, despite "winning" every game. When is my 50/50 kill rate supposed to start kicking in? Cause it feels like it should've started happening after the first 10 4Ks.
Ive had longer queue times, my survovor games my team mates have literally ran at the killer ending up in a 3v1 within the first minutes and killer matches which im not great at, ive been getting very good teams on my favourite killers so basically the experience has me not wanting to play
I sorta don’t understand why this game doesn’t just have ranked/unranked modes. I get why they don’t in a way, but a lot of games that are asymmetrical don’t have any type of ranking system either. I feel like they’d be better off scrapping the ranking system completely. But at the same time they do it because seasoned killers to newer players would be vice versa. I feel like at that point it’ll be best randomized as possible. Some matches will be harder than others sure but it would be the most even solution to all these ranking problems. I love times when the ranks got turned off. Matches felt so even for both sides.
DBD doesn't have enough players to have real SBMM. Consider Dota, has at least an order of magnitude more players (probably 2 orders in Europe) and if you have a high MMR in Dota you will be waiting a while for a match (sometimes for a long, long while). If they put real SBMM in DBD high rank players would be waiting an hour, easy, for a match (and that's after whatever effect the new killer is having on killer waits).
IMO, it's more smoke & mirrors, BHVR tweaked the old system, labeled it "SBMM" for marketing purposes and called it good.
I have no idea how you get these games. Or how your totems last. I haven't had anyone within 1000 hours of me a single time. While your SBMM short was the pinnacle of comedy, at least before, you'd get a locker gamer or a power struggle gamer sometimes. Now it's… every game, 4 DH, 4 IW, a map offering. Every game. It's miserable. No matter how many times I lose, I'm against the same people with 5k+ hours with my 1200. This is the worst the game has ever been.
Think we were all reset and these few days are gonna be getting to your MMR
My one killer game since the reset and SBMM put me into a game where everyone had the same build. DS, Unbreakable, Borrowed Time, and Dead Hard. One person traded BT for Kindred. Super super sweaty game. I’m surprised I got the 4K because I’m not a great killer. I think the only saving grace was that I expected the match to go poorly because it was also my first Pinhead game so I brought NOED to help me crutch through.
I’ve played a few survivor games and the SBMM has been hit or miss. I had a bad Ghostface take out 3/4 of my team because they decided to play around with him when Devour activated at 3 tokens. I just walked out the gate. Had no interest in that. Right before that, I got a game with three players that were allergic to generators against a Wraith on Haddonfield. Two Claudette’s at the house of pain. One in a locker, and one on a hook outside. I saved the hooked one and tried to get them to help me on the basement generator. They both self cared right behind me while Detective Tapp did a dull totem. We didn’t get a single gen, but I tried so hard. They just wouldn’t spread out ever. 😩 Bruh.
I don't like the new system.
My 60 hours in DBD bf who's playing killer for the first time is being matched against 1k+ hour survivors . . . . .
My theory on how SBMM works – he's not works at all.
That's what I was scared off. Do remember 2k16/17? When they made it so that two red ranks got matched with two grey ranks, because they thought that would be balanced. The noobs had some veterans helping them out and the killer should be somwhere in the middle. They did that for a short period but I never forgott it.
And when they announced SBMM I got scared bc of this memory. And it seems like they never changed their mindset about that..
It's so frustrating. And I'm not okay with the "Lets match noobs with pros mentality" Because it's never been fun in any game. Hunting the noobs. This is a no go. You just don't do that…
Scott's video tomorrow: "What I think SBMM's big mommy milkers would look like if they were human!"
Gotta give props to you guys for being able to play this game as much as you do. I get frustrated too often
Honestly just remove all the system and make it truly random and I think the game might be more exciting then pretending that matchmaking is actually based on skill or rank
Yeah is pretty much the same theory as mine. I played as nurse and nemesis on console and I got 2 red ranks and 2 ash ranks. I'm a bronze killer. The two ash players got carried by their team obviously.
that must suck for the really good solo queue players who are getting averaged with teammates in such a lower skill tier. Talk about team diff for the poor guy.
80% of the games i play as an ash rank because i dont play much anymore are against iradescent killers… my entire party is ASH btw lol
survivor iri 1, iri 4, iri 4 and silver 4 (myself solo queue)
gold 4 killer…
there is nothing balaced there
Well, here’s some data on killer MMR. I play on console 90% of the time (ps4/ps5), PC 10%. I’m above average at killer. However, for the past year, 95% of the time I just 2 hook people and let them escape. (5% for a good SWF or the person who doesn’t get saved for some reason, etc).
I only get matched with 0-200 hour players now. I’ve seen 1 person at 1000 hours after I played Huntress and had 3 games where 0 hour players killed themselves on hook.
100% positive the system only measures kills (if there is a system and not just randomized based on hours or something).
The fact that one game you get bots and the next you get pro player is probably how the devs managed to get an average of 50% win rates for all players
How does is work on certain killers? every killer has different mmr or they share one just like survs?
I’ve been having extremely easy games as survivor and the exact opposite as killer. I usually just played killer but it’s almost unplayable for me now while survivor is almost too easy. I’m looping killers in one spot for a total of 3-4 gens almost every match and I’ve never been able to loop anyone before. I’ve only been playing this game a month and half.
That system is no different compared to the previous one. As a killer, It's still random. Sometimes there are solo survivors who don't know each other and play casual… And Sometimes pro solo survivors… As many SWF as before…. The only difference for me, is that i wait more to find a game. It was faster before. Otherwise as survivor, it's the same thing. Random killer player behaviour and tactic.
So what's the point of all that noice Behaviour is making ? Better focus on fixing bugs and glitches in my opinion.
if they want to do something great, they should give the option to killer to enable or disable "SWF" games. Like Cross-platform. I'd thank them for that.
Not that stupid thing just to give the feeling they are taking care of their game.