Meta Impact of Perk Changes – October '21 Mid-Chapter Patch – Dead by Daylight

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23 thoughts on “Meta Impact of Perk Changes – October '21 Mid-Chapter Patch – Dead by Daylight”

  1. I think Built to Last with a toolbox specifically will mainly be useful for finishing a generator quickly, and then hopping in a locker and replenishing before moving on to the next. It definitely isn't something you'll want to stop mid-repair for.
    However, I think the real strength is definitely going to be med-kits, for obvious reasons, though there are some considerations for Blood Amber keys. Having a long flashlight duration can be useful if you happen to be playing against Wraith/Hag as well.

    Edit: Watched like 30 seconds farther and you said a lot of the same things I posted here

  2. I agree that Mindbreaker/Fearmonger won't be meta, but I think there's an additional benefit worth mentioning.

    If you're working on a gen and a teammate gets downed, seeing where they were downed and where they were hooked is often times really useful info for seeing if you should stay or go. Now that's gone, and also this would cancel out Kindred while on a gen.

    Even if you decide to get off a gen to check their location, that's still 5 seconds off a gen, which could be make or break. Again I don't think it'll be meta, but I think adding Blindness elevates it a bit above being near-useless like it was.

  3. hex blood favor.. now gonna proc on clown bottle… pinhead chian hit, and doctor therapy…
    so it become useful for them… example clown with expose bottle on hit… with blood favor you hit the survivor and the pallet he's running at is now blocked… and you keep chasing him…
    same goes for doctor or pin head…
    it become a usefull perk for killer with special attack which doesn'T cause damage or injured state… for those killer it get good…
    in some mesure… it will proc on trickster one a single knife hit aswell…

  4. Build I have been running in the PTB that has been super busted – Perks- Windows of Opportunity / Built to Last / Ace in the Hole / (misc to fit the mood or need of the matchup) Item Iridescent Key with Prayer Beads + Blood Amber Result WoO gives you complete awareness of where loops are and what pallets have been used. The key can be liberally be used while lopping to prevent any opportunity for the killer to mind game. Once the key runs out, you can use Built to Last to restore 99%, then 66%, and last 33% of this keys charges. Giving you a overall significant amount of time to view the killers aura when looping. These two factors combined essentially remove all of the guess work. You know where pallets/windows are and you know exactly what the killer is doing. This highly consistent and broken looping ability results in fairly frequent escapes. Thus Ace in the Hole is present so that if you do escape you keep the add-ons you placed on the key. 4th perk is flavor for what you want/intend to do. Dead hard to extended chases, BT to make saves safer, Open Handed would juice WoO AND the Keys aura reading distance, Perks that let you self care like the new Boon perk, Pharmacy could synergize with Ace in the Hole. (Point is you have options) – This is extremely powerful and consistent from my experience thus far.

  5. hey ! About the replenishing toolbox not being impactful. You can now use your toolbox on the first gen, rush it down before the killer realise, replenish and do it again on the final one. use it on on gens to garanty a huge split in the 3 gens of any killer while going into an area that would be dangerous on paper but now, those few shaved second are actually allowing you to put the killer in a total loss situation where they simply don't have time to patrol to counter you. You can now go replenish your toolbox a third time at 2/3rd and AGAIN repair faster, making it impossible for the killer to do anything to counter you. remember that a gen that isn't started is a gen the killer can't kick, can't regress, and if NOW you start working on it, it doesn't matter how long you spent in a locker, what matter is that you will do this gen faster no matter what. if a full team simply hide in locker to replenish after a gen, the killer will apply no pressure, the game lasting longer has nothing to do with actual time it took to do the generator.
    I'm fairly surprise you didn't notice that as it seems quite obvious.

  6. They are WAY too many people who just have bad spatial awareness. Unless it's cleansed, which is every hexes problem, it always gives values bc it takes info away for players. Comms or not bc verbally saying something between two parties takes more time than just one person looking around.

  7. Am I the only who hates that all the perks that are good as fuck for new players are dlc? Like visionary, windows, and zanshin are all on dlc characters. By the time someone decides to spend money on this game or have enough irredesent shards theyre barely going to need these.


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