My thoughts on MMR and how SBMM fits into Dead by Daylight

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This video is basically just a long rant on my thoughts about MMR, and also my thoughts on how everyone has been acting towards it. I tried to structure this in a somewhat organized way, but I think I failed and it’s just kind of a long rant. Enjoy the video and my shitty opinions on SBMM, and feel free to leave nasty comments about how wrong and dumb I am.

Previous video about matchmaking –

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29 thoughts on “My thoughts on MMR and how SBMM fits into Dead by Daylight”

  1. 9:58 this is very true for me I don't want to sweat but I never have fun if I'm getting completely destroyed so I always try to sweat my balls off every match, and then if I lose while sweating that makes me feel even worse so its just this unhealthy cycle

  2. MMR sucks IMO doesn't belong in DBD. The whole point of the game is to play against a variety of killers/survivors. But high MMR survivor is nothing but Blight and Nurse, while high MMR killer is plow gens and leave but every survivor can loop perfectly. Oh and also tons of cheaters. Game was better before MMR 100%.

  3. it kinda sucks ive tried to just play for fun and not try to win so many times but i literally cant no matter how hard i try. I've tried to not care about winning especially because i only care about bloodpoints but i literally cant stop no matter how hard i try to change my mindset

  4. I will say I think Tofu brings up some good counterpoints and discusses this topic in a very level-headed way. I do have an issue with the comparison to League of Legends that also leads into my main issue with DBD as it stands currently.

    LoL has numerous modes of play, specifically a "casual/standard" way of playing, and a specific mode for RANKED play. DBD does not have that, which I believe leads to a lot of these issues (outside of the general comments/issues with balancing and griefing in games). LoL inherently has a mode where if you want to play "meta," see their version of MMR/Rank go up, AND play "sweaty," you can do that with other people who will do the same. Casual allows these people to play "meme" builds or just be casual in their play. There is no expectation for you to be fully at your top game.

    I also think LoL benefits from having a specific, clear objective of what IS and IS NOT a victory/win. A clear win condition helps alleviate some issues that DBD currently experiences, but I also don't think DBD is a game that would benefit from a clear win condition other than "get the most kills/escape."

    My biggest issue with DBD as it stands is that there is no separation between a form of "Ranked" play, and casual play. I cannot play in a party/SWF without the killer being toxic in the endgame chat, and I can't help be frustrated at times as killer when depending on the map/killer I am playing, I could be at a disadvantage or because I don't have access/want to pay for killers that have "meta" perks.

    ALSO LoL has a way to gain EVERY character with in-game currency, while DBD does not (outside of non-licensed killers). Perks are locked behind OWNING these killers/survivors, and whether or not the perks you want are in the shrine are a toss-up and require you to possibly wait for long periods of time. I already paid money to play DBD as a base game, I don't understand the design of making killers/survivors cost MORE money. Some killers' abilities are inherently better than others by design, and locking them behind a paywall feels unfair when there is no possibility of playing a more casual mode of play. This may be a "poor people/F2P" shallow argument but I still feel like it deserves to be discussed since ALL of us paid for DBD already, while again LoL is F2P.

  5. 6:00 There is no such thing as "best time to play" survivor ques take forever no matter what time of day you play, while killer ques are instantly because no one wants to play killer if all they get matched against are super good survivors. You say you want a challenging game, that's great if you are good with that killer, but then when I have high MMR on Spirit and switch to Ghostface to chill, I get the same survivors as when I was Spirit. Literally every game, and it's not fun to get bodied when you are playing a low tier killer that can't do a god damn thing against most survivors.

  6. I don't mind MMR, but it does punish my playstyle, which is Altruism first. And yeah nobody is forcing me to charge into the basement on a suicide mission to get that 4th stack of We're Gonna Live Forever, but getting those saves is what makes the game fun for me. So I die a lot, even though I perform pretty well in the other aspects of the game. I might be the only player who doesn't escape and still wind up with the most points, but my MMR goes down and the potato teammates MMR goes up. I guess I keep getting to babysit as long as I choose to play that way,

    I also value hooks over kills when I play killer. I am sure I could 4K a lot more often if camping and tunneling was in any way fun for me, but I like giving the survivors a sporting chance, and I'll even go out of my way not to kill a survivor if I've hooked them twice and only have 1 or 2 stacks of BBQ. BHVR shouldn't try and force me into finding a group so bad at the game that I can kill them all and get 12 hooks and still feel like I gave them every chance to complete their objective. For along time BHVR went out of their way not to define what constituted a win, so I defined it myself by saying I won if I had fun. I still like to face players better than me, so I can continue to improve. I don't want to play someone easier than the people who just beat me, I want to keep playing those guys until I start to beat them, on my terms, not what MMR is based on.

  7. It seems people see mmr and use it at the cover of the book of things bhvr needs to fix. Such as dead hard every game and it’s validation. I’ve seen people use mmr as the reason they get more hackers because hackers win more and so they play against them at high mmr. I just wish bhvr would balance the game a bit before implementing a skill based matchmaking. Nerf pig or something idk

  8. idk man i love you dude i been watching your shit for a while and i trust your judgment but i really dont agree with your take on well you can accept it or quit the game bc to me it kinda sounds like your saying its okay to lose and thats never fun.

  9. Can they bring casual and competitive modes into the game that way people can have a choice based on a players mood at the moment I think that would help a lot for those who just want to have fun games and those or those that want to play competitive!…lots of games have that option with ranks system implemented like call of duty Gears of war rocket league overwatch to name a few and they work perfectly everyone's happy

  10. 34:38 its not about the players youd go against for a non ranked mode, the reason it would be good is because i don't feel like i have to win every game if my rank isn't affected by it. not my mmr I'm just talking about the actual ranks in the top right

  11. In my experience, even before mmr guess what i was bad lol. But one of my argument is i like to play without any items/add ons and mmr does not even take that into account and obviously encourages people to do so. I personally stopped playing since mmr came out and probably wont play or wont play as much till they tweak some things or drop mmr all together which i dont see happpening.

  12. My biggest hate with MMR is that it just is not MMR. Now we know the MMR rules it causes killers to play super boring and survivors to play super selfishly because its literally just based on kills and escapes, the lead dev confirmed it because he said an accurate MMR is hard to make. Like duh thats your job though. I seriously hate that dev. He just seems so smug and honestly needs firing. Then someone with an actual brain can introduce an MMR system that actually monitors what you do through the game and we can be rid of survivors who hide all game, and killers who just camp, tunnel and slug. They can play with each other like gta bad sport lobbies and players who want to actually play dbd in a fun way can play together

  13. My main issue is that 80% of the killers have become unusable. Killers who have the lowest kill rates should only go against a certain amount of SBMM rank so that they always have the chance to get around 2 kills. You get stomped by even 500 hour survivors no matter how good you are if you're playing like clown or ghostface and such…

  14. The problem for me is I play extremely ballsy and go for saves etc. whenever possible as survivor. So I end up dying more than the average survivor but because of high chase time and altruism I would cling on to higher ranks despite dying all the time. Now with MMR I keep going lower to the point I'm matched with brand new players every 3-4 matches and it's pretty much impossible to climb back up unless I bring a SWF group with me.

  15. you absolutely do not run into people doing meme builds or just playing to have fun at low mmr, you just get bad killers who will camp (and tunnel, if you're lucky enough to get saved) at first hook after ten minutes of chasing with no gens being popped because your teammates have decided to hide instead of doing gens. this was my consistent solo survivor experience from months of playing dbd with mmr, and I haven't played the game since the pinhead ptb because of it. it sucks. your playstyle is by no means even with the other people playing under this mmr system, since it is just based on escapes and nothing else.

  16. First argument still holds weight. Who wants to play a game where they have to run the same perks all the time if they want to win? You can “fuck around and have fun” but then you’ll derank and go against people worse than you. Neither of these options are fun

  17. dbd isn't meant to be a competitive game, so when people complain about consistently vsing the meta I think their points are valid. The reward for getting good at the game was just that you would win more games. Now you just face meta whether you're playing killer or survivor all in the name of forcing a "50% win rate". You now get better at the game and it's all for nothing but less fun matches. Old system was better because being good was actually a reward. It isn't that I just want to walk on babies every game but at least I wasn't facing circle of healing pain resonance undying pop camping tunneling ds unbreak bt etc every match. The population of the playerbase within the last few months that dowsey made a video on speaks for itself I think. I can no longer get drunk and enjoy survivor with friends because we are decent and have high MMR and thus face tunneling/camping/unfun playstyles every match. Why play dbd when I can do something more enjoyable with friends, which only old dbd could do for me?

  18. Kind of interesting how everyone can have different experiences with this. Literally everything Tofu said about easy/inconsistent matches with the emblem system and better ones with mmr, I experienced the exact opposite pretty much.

    Yeah there were still some odd matches here and there with the emblem system but I would face way more killers around my skill level on average than mmr. Granted I don't play much anymore and I usually play casually with friends who are relatively new so I'm sure those are bit of factors, but when I played with mmr (even for a consistent amount of time) I would either get like brand new killers or really good ones with extreme meta perks, rarely nothing in between.

    Obviously not trying to take away from Tofu's comment/experiences, but just thought it was interesting

  19. I'm pro-MMR. I was getting sweated on before and now I have a more even death/escape ratio. I also feel like since MMR, my skill level increased. I'm keeping the killer in chase longer and and learning new tactics, while I would get tunneled and stomped at 5 gens before MMR.

  20. Mid level mmr on survivor is hell. You constantly get tossed in with the worst teammates and absolutely brand new killers because your teammates keep you locked low. I don’t know what you’re talking about, getting great teammates all the time. I only have a good time in the super late night queues. I die to immersed teammates anytime I am not in a swf during any other hours.

  21. The only problem I have with MMR, is that it just keeps putting me with the same small amount of perks.
    I just want to see variety, but I have to always play around Dead Hards, Decisive and Boon Totem. It got very boring and repetitive so I quit the game.
    I think the Meta perks right now are so good that it will always overshadow even new ones unless the new perk are at the same level as the Meta. I just want all Meta perks nerfed to the level of good/decent perks so I could see more interesting combinations.


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