My thoughts on the current state of Dead by Daylight – GimmsRant #60

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GimmsRant #60 – Covering my overall thoughts on the game and my mental state while playing it. (MOSTLY KILLER SIDED.)

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Hi guys! I’m MrGimms! I’m an Australian YouTube Partner living in England, streaming a variety of different games. Most known for playing Dead by Daylight!

📜Schedule – I stream MONDAY to FRIDAY 4PM – 8PM BST U.K time.
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About Dead by Daylight:
Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical multiplayer horror game where one player takes on the role of a brutal Killer and the other four play as Survivors. As a Killer, your goal is to sacrifice as many Survivors as possible. As a Survivor, your goal is to escape and avoid being caught and killed.


47 thoughts on “My thoughts on the current state of Dead by Daylight – GimmsRant #60”

  1. 🙁 is all I have to say when thinking about DBD. Used to be so willing to play and just grind but for a few months now I just have no urge to play. I’ve only played a couple matches since then only to try out Pinhead and be very disappointment. VHS is looking like a good game so far but I’ll have to wait until it comes to console.

  2. Also: since scotts video on how mmr works i think we have the answer on why their balancing sucks. They try and balance the game to be 10 mins for average players. This means more efficient survivors of course are going to be even faster. This is why gens are so fast, its why they dont fix a lot of little things for killers. They cant. If they made killers more efficient even a little it would screw up that 10 min game time. This is shit.

  3. I will always love this game for the memories and friends I gained along the way, but with the devs flat out ignoring the community and everything steadily going from bad to worse…I hate it. I'll hold out hope that someone will wake up at BHVR and fix this mess they've made, but until then, I'll be playing VHS because werewolf.

  4. I am just burnt out with this game it’s repetitive and too easy for me. But I’m also upset at the devs for the screw ups they have made ever since twins chapter. The lack of transparency, the inability to take criticism, unable to acknowledge when they make mistakes. They don’t understand their own game and that is the problem at the end of it all.

  5. My thought with the sudden fog whisperer tournament, is that they realise the sudden unhappiness about the game and now they try to make a fog whisperer tournament.
    I wouldn't even surprised if 99% of the things related to dbd they say will only be positive things.
    Not to talk down on them, but i just think bhvr wants to say through them "oh look what a great game we have" to ease the community and hoping that they will thing that bhvr cares.
    And I for 1 am absolutely not happy with the sbmm on the killers side.
    Like i won't say I'm the best or anything, but i think I'm well above average and the matches i get now is just sweat sweat sweat.
    There is almost no time to pressure the gens and get hooks/kills and am at a point my games last about 7 minutes before all gens are done and the gates are open.
    I'm seriously stepping away more and more from killer as it is far from fun and am not enjoying the game anymore as killer, which i always enjoyed the most

  6. I think the reason BHVR can get away with this very poor game development is because dbd is the only game in the genre and they realise this so they don’t really give a shit.
    I can almost guarantee when VHS comes out they will pull there heads out there rear and start fixing their game

  7. Im gonna play devil's advocate here, i don't like mmr, whilst my experience with it so far hasn't been awful i would prefer mmr not be in the game, however i would i like to say the game can't really improve until the matchmaking is equal, if for example tons of Billy players end up going against bad players they'll eventually think Billy is overpowered. But if in a equal level match they would see the actual problems. They would see that at the mid to high matches, they may see many of the problems. Gens flying, killers needing to play dirty ect, So i think mmr could potentially help the health and fun of the game in the future, but at the current moment it's the worst it could be. And knowing bhvr it will take a long time before the health patches come. But if they come and they aren't enough then we're fucked. Sorry for the novel. These are just my thoughts.

  8. It’s been about 2 and a half weeks since I’ve last logged in to play DBD.
    As much as I want to play, the MMR system really sucked the fun out of the game. I don’t want to constantly be facing top tier survivors. I hop on to relax and have fun, not stress myself out after work.
    I’ve moved on to other games now, and have been playing FFXIV again. I love DBD and have sunked a ton of time into it, but – whoever has been in charge of the games state, they need to be given a bit of a slap on the wrist and a talking to.
    I may go back and hop on every now and then when my friends want to squad up. But the game has pretty much lost its appeal to me.

  9. My thoughts are : I find dbd was more balanced 4/5 years earlier than now as killer and survivors (survivors is Op right now) imagine saying that it was better before with the double pallets, all the infinite etc, you could still win a 4k as killer.

  10. The game is in a pretty rough identity crisis right now with it's development/direction.
    BHVR shot themselves in the foot with SBMM because it contradicts what the devs have said on record regarding implementing 'game health fixes/updates'.
    Reason why is because SBMM only works if you're intending on fixing the fundamental problems with balance. Which BHVR are not interested in doing. If you don't address them, the issues with balance begin to highlight unfair & unhealthy playstyles, which in other words are exploits. It's why killer games are so sweaty> because killer is so weak.
    SBMM also contradicts BHVR once again because 'Skill Based' matches imply some resemblance of competitive playstyles/mindsets for the game, despite BHVR PREVIOUSLY saying they're developing/balancing the game purely around 'fun' and for new players.
    BHVR are destined to fail at this point because they will need to flush 5 years of code and game design down the drain in order to make the game suitable for SBMM. That's not going to happen, so matchmaking will continue to highlight how messy the game is, and further updates that introduce bugs will just add to the list of reasons for players to quit.

  11. Haven’t bought/unlocked a killer since oni I think. I stopped playing before blight came. Took a long brake because I was just tired of this bs in this game. Was disappointed to come back after the break

  12. I’m so done with dbd. there’s so much wrong with it and every time they do one thing right, they get so distracted patting themselves on the back that they fuck shit up ten times worse

  13. So a couple of days ago when I was playing dbd, I was playing survivor and I was not having fun, it's hard to get challenges done without having to die quick and this one time I experienced a massive desync when playing, it wasn't my internet, it was the shitty servers. When I looped this nemesis, I spun him healthy and then he took off but turns out he was hitting me this whole time and I die on the ground without knowing what the hell was going on, I wish I knew what it was like on his end, but yeah that's another major issue with this game, dedicated servers for some reason cause survivors and killers to have this massive desync where survivors are really far from the killer but they end up dead because the servers said they are next to the killer. Also, they still haven't fucking got rid of the survivors screaming when you hit them at a pallet but the hit didn't count, ffs remove that shit, it's so annoying to hear that and turns out you didn't hear that when playing killer. Sorry, there was a lot to vent about. It's just so frustrating.

  14. I always take breaks from the game, though that's mainly because I need some variety, and DBD isn't necessarily the most varied game to begin with.
    I am still having fun with the game, and haven't noticed any significant difference with the new matchmaking, but that might just be me getting lucky.
    But it doesn't really seem to be working anyways. If someone is constantly only getting 1 kill or 0 kills, then the mmr of that player should decrease, so at some point, that person can go against survivors that they can better deal with. But that's obviously not the case if people like you are having matches in which they 1k or 0k the entire day.
    I do hope they deactivate the SBMM if too many people complain about it, and people are starting to leave. At the moment though the game is still doing very good according to Steam charts.
    Pinhead is definitely one of my favorite killers, which is probably why I've been playing this game a bit more. I do still think he only needs some small changes and tweaks to become perfectly viable.
    Regarding this game's balance at high rank, while I don't agree it's that bad, I would definitely like to see a second objective for survivors, to make killer less stressful , however they will also have to nerf camping, tunneling and probably certain killers and slowdown perks in some way.
    I'm still curious about the mori changes they are planning, in one of the latest interviews with one of the devs it was said again that Moris are at least planned to be built into basekit, and survivors will have some form of interaction to counter Moris. Which could end up being the second objective for survivors people are asking for, but it's hard to tell.

  15. I’m starting to look elsewhere for gaming. Bought a few games recently to take up my time. It’s just not fun for me anymore. Anytime I play killer all I get is gen rushers and good ol toxic baggers. Survivors know the game is in their favor so why not gloat and taunt the killer? Matches end in five minutes or less and waiting in lobby takes longer. It’s just a drag and boring, I believe when boon totems come out that will be the end for me.

  16. Spot on comment. I agree with everything you said… you aren’t alone. I was trying to play 50% killer and survivor, but since mmr I play 95% survivor now. I faced my first hacker and Tru3talent had 3 hackers today. They don’t care about hackers either. This is a comment from the hacker I faced, “oh I’m so scared!” They are brazen now because they know behavior is not doing anything about it. I’m tired of getting undressed by survivor squads, and that’s why I reduced playing killer, they have become bully simulator and I can’t be bothered. I am holding hope that things will change, but boom totems might kill the killers and instantly the game will die. I love playing killer but they are making teddy bears out of killers, so who wants that?!

  17. I find that most games require slowdown perks, and god level skill with the killers you play with, as survivor mains will always bring the best (and always the same perks). Bring a mori, though, and they will dc.

  18. My guess on the Pinhead line is that they didn't have a system in place where killer voicelines change based on cosmetic and because they released the Chatterer, they decided to keep Pinhead silent while they work on that system. But who knows…

    Honestly, I have resorted to modding Skyrim and playing it again, hopefully that keeps me entertained until Elden Ring comes out next year. I have not touched DBD since SBMM was released and I hope I don't touch it until something about it changes. We all know how imbalanced the game is, we've always known this, but at least in my case, I put up with it because it was rare to find survivors who stacked all that BS in their favor. That is not the case anymore, every single match when they activated SBMM was this game's imbalanced bullshit over and over again. So I decided it was not worth it.

    I do like this game though, I've been playing it since Legion was released. I still watch content DBD creators all the time, and I do hope something changes so I can reinstall the game and play it. But with boon totems on the horizon, i genuinely don't think the devs understand why this game is so ridiculously in favor of survivors when players are of higher skill levels XD

  19. I have an idea, I do it and I win more games then lose, when I do it, switch between cross play, sometimes my best games be with just console players and sometimes it's with pc and console players, if I have a killer using op perks on pc, I'll play with just console players and if there's like a camper on console, I'll play with pc/console players, you can get a feel on which side is better for that day or time being and which side your winning more on, if there's a killer that's annoying that you want to stay away from or survivors you want to stay away from or survivors or killers you want to play against, switch sides, don't just stay on one side, you can really get a feel on which side is more toxic and when you decide which side is more toxic, you play until the side your on gets toxic or you just get tired of playing, at least that's how it is for me

  20. Played since EA release and now I’m just getting fed up of all the bugs and disabled maps, lost license, no changes from ptb to live, pointless mmr system, I need a break.

  21. Gimms I also started meaning nemesis he's the only one that I can get a 4K guaranteed almost every time can't do with all my other Killers like hillbilly or anyone else just usually Nemesis or ghostface but I hope Nemesis works out for you he's really fun

  22. Sbmm killed this game no question this game is done for. They may as well turn the severs off honestly because this game isn't going to recover if fortnite and call of duty couldn't recover then dbd sure as hell won't.

  23. Well, you asked for long comments.

    So I started playing DBD around April/May 2019. Not as long as you, but I've been here for a while.

    The last time I played a game in DBD was when Pinhead went live – I played some SWF. Prior to that, I played enough to unlock the teachables on the RE characters, and then stopped playing.

    I think your explanation of how MMR has just created an environment of sweat for Killers is exactly what I think too. While I no longer play, my wife still plays Killer and pretty much every game she has is a long wait for a game that she has to sweat for and then always has 1 person being an asshole in the end game chat. I don't think the game has been this full of sweat, toxicity and cheaters before. From the content creators I watch – because I live in the hope some massive change will make me want to play again – my wife's experience as Killer is pretty much the Killer experience now.

    I am one of those who when I heard MMR was coming I was excited. In my head, what I thought would be cool about MMR would be separating the casual players from the competitive ones. I am a casual player: I want to run off-meta builds and use Killers I don't know that well. I don't want to sweat every game. Unfortunately, BHVR hasn't given us that system. Their system is barely an MMR and has actively made the game worse. I know a lot of people predicted that, but I think even those people were shocked when the details on how the system worked were mined (I know that has yet to be confirmed, but it really seems that leak was accurate).

    Similar with boon totems. There were actually a lot of very interesting things BHVR could have done with Boon totems. At the moment, an anti-totem build on a survivor is extremely powerful with things like Small Game, Counterforce, Detective's Hunch and Inner Strength meaning a survivor can dedicate themselves to completely clearing the map of totems pretty easily. Boon totems could have made this a more difficult choice: maybe a boon could be on the same totem as a Killer Totem. Or maybe the game starts with Boon totems active that the Killer could convert to their own hex totems. There could have been a sort of push-and-pull dynamic where survivors have to choose whether to cleanse totems to prevent both the boons and the hexes or to suffer a hex to gain a boon. Instead, it looks like they will be handled in the worst possible way which is to give the Killer another thing to do with their already very limited time.

    DBD is not fun for me anymore. I always preferred the Killer role, and that role is now pretty much only available if you want to play competitively. And I don't like playing that way. I like playing with weird perks and builds and having fun with the options of the game – even if I don't necessarily win.

    This is pretty much the reason I stopped playing a lot of online card games – like Magic Arena. I got bored of the same 6 decks every game when the game has thousands of combinations. And I can't really be angry with the people who play this way – in Magic and Dead By Daylight. Because they clearly have fun just dominating every match and that's fine. it's just I don't have fun doing it myself, and I doubt they find it much fun to use their superior skills against someone much weaker than them (and if they do they are a bully and fuck them. If you are good at something, you should seek people of equal skill. That's why you don't see professional sportsmen bragging about thrashing new players – it's just silly).

    I also just got tired of going on to Reddit, or Otz's videos or whatever and finding some poor person had written an extensive document of ideas on how to improve a Killer or the game and knowing BHVR will never even look at it. I really began feeling that when I realized a lot of other games I play have developers who actively seem to pay attention to their communities and, while they might not implement everything, it is clear from their communications they are actually paying attention to community feedback. This is a dramatic analogy, but it's kind of like when you've been in a relationship with someone who was an utter asshole and you only realize that they were an asshole when your next relationship your partner seems to give a shit about you.

    I am still keeping an eye on DBD because maybe something will happen to make me try it again. i think for me the litmus test will be when VHS comes out because it's going to be free to play and it seems like it will be at least functional and its basically going to be when I realize whether I actually do want to play an asymmetrical game that is not DBD or if I am just tired of the whole genre

  24. I'm kinda with u in the same boat I have a older gen console and I can barely enjoy the game as it was now with this SBMM playing dbd makes my blood pressure go through the roof Im sure we all want this game to succeed but seems like BHVR doesn't all though I am hyped for VHS seems like the devs so far give a shit about there game more than bhvr cares about there's and it's really sad to say that because I've also been playing this for years and don't want it to die

  25. Sbmm is god awful. First match on Pinhead and I'm up against all red and purple. I was green cause I'd been out of the game for a bit.

    At this point I'm straight up scared to see what it'll be like if I ever go back to my main man Ghostface. Idk if I'll ever play killer again at this rate … Which is a shame, I love the stalkers.

  26. Honestly? I watched an Otz stream once where he was drawing diagrams and talking to his chat about what they wanted changed and what he thought he wanted changed, and what stood out to me was how he put himself into a corner where he couldn't proceed with finding a solution to the problems with his supposed solution instead of taking a step back. He wasted a good hour trying to stretch out the possibilities of something that didn't seem to be too great in the first place. I can absolutely imagine bhvr doing the same and wasting precious time tangling themselves in one thing while trying to unravel another. Asking fog whisperers is good and all, but you need one professional in there guiding them out of a self-imposed hole when they dig themselves one.


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