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Never Drop The Shack Pallet – Dead By Daylight
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I got you randomly on my reccomended and now i cant stop watching you
The way he turned to you was cool💀💀
Why the killer didn’t kill u? It isn’t fairr
Wat u play on? Pc?
If I ever que up with you I will go straight to the shack and drop the pallet and still escape despite you teaming with the killer.
Nodding while injured doesn't work bro.
I killed someone with tombstone at shack pallet
Yes the king of toxic! 🦗 love it
Why would you show yourself deliberately cheating and working with the killer!? Lol smh
Lmao wtf u must be hated
Idk man
"Halloween Ends Deleted Scene"
What a piece of trash is this grasshopper 😂😂
better play as an assassin and stop making the team wasting time, and ruining the game, attention seeker
Why are we killing our teammates?
Ppl say “ it just a game ?!”
Some ppl love to sweat ! Love to win!
And some ppl like to play for 6 years and learned nothing? Then they love to say !
“ i don’t take games seriously!!
Instead of getting better ! Or trying ! They just waste another human time ?(:
I wonder if that other Claudette will come back from the dead and take their revenge on Grasshopper
Shack pallet should be undropable unless you've run killer for minimum 3 gens
Why are you such a bully man
Agreed. They deserved what they got.
I see friends with the killer reported
If I am the one killed, I will greet your ancestor's 18th generation and see which bastard gave birth to you. Do you think it's funny?I think you are garbage in life and only dare to vent in games
L teammate
That is so annoying when your teammate drops the god pallet for no reason and doesn’t even get one lope in