ONI RUSH IS FUN! Dead by Daylight

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ONI RUSH IS FUN! Dead by Daylight

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9 thoughts on “ONI RUSH IS FUN! Dead by Daylight”

  1. Yeah anime is a really big on-the-fence kinda thing. They really do exaggerate emotion a lot, but the characters are so crisp and the backgrounds are often pretty darn well-made. If emotions weren’t as commonly exaggerated i feel like i personally wouldn’t be as put off by it.

  2. Dude I can relate sometimes when I go to gym I want to do more for instance last night I said I would only do 30 minutes on the stair master then proceed to do an 1hr or around 3000 steps

  3. I feel like tru3 would probably like Hajime no ippo its all about boxing and for an anime its pretty grounded in reality except for exaggerating how some moves look the first time you see them. Same with megalobox


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