Never give up in Dead By Daylight…

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This just goes to show that you never know what could happen in a DBD match…

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37 thoughts on “Never give up in Dead By Daylight…”

  1. The little info windows are amazing! As someone whos seen all of your other DbD videos I still dont know half the things youre saying but kinda just guess based on the context but explaining them makes following the video so much easier!

  2. Anyone else wouldnt mind if John uploads more DBD gameplay? He seems to enjoy the game a lot, so why doesn't he upload more gameplay.

    Maybe cause there are some games that are not that interesting to upload?

  3. i love the little pop up graphics at the bottom
    I love your videos but I'm not familiar with dead by daylight lingo… so I feel way more in the know and can enjoy the video even more!

  4. It's weird how growing up I had DvDs of Dragon Tales, but I never really cared about the show as a kid. It was more like something I watched when I was bored

  5. They both unfortunately got forced out, the Nancy had to open the gate because the Nurse came to her and she had NOED, and the Dwight made the mistake of going to open the other exit instead of waiting to heal you and then got pressured out too by the Nurse. The Dwight seemed to be trying to waste as much of the Nurse's time as possible in the hopes that it would help you tho.

  6. I really enjoy ur content but I find you can play the blame game a lot and ur energy seems a little sad and dark! That’s my only complaint. Not trying to be a hater. This video is great, love the info bubbles, just wish u wouldn’t get so frustrated with people when I noticed logical reasons for why people were doing things at times when you were getting chased/hooked/down.

    However, definitely agree with that trickster round he didn’t look that difficult to loop and ur team8s were going down in like seconds. Also, eff people who just run out when you’re the reason half the gens are done and people survived half the time!!! Those type of people make it hard not to send very mean messages lol

    Thanks for your content ! Keep it up!

  7. Sorry as much yo play dawg you should’ve known not to waste your time on healing bs especially with possible nurses calling then she’s trash so she had Noed you should’ve known

  8. John on his DBD videos: Never give up guys, you can still win a game even after a bad start! You can still have fun if you don't sweat too hard!

    John on his DBD streams: gets salty when he loses, starts ranting when the killer gives a gg, gets defensive when a chat member points out the killer might genuinely feel sorry when his teammates suck, then belittles that chat member while his echo chamber of yes-men cheers him on

    Dude's just cutting out the toxic parts and uploads the better parts to make himself look laid back when in reality he's as toxic as the people he whines about. No wonder he's so """burnt out""" on horror games. For someone who doesn't sweat, he's awfully drenched in it.


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