New Chapter Info, New Gamemodes, Cosmetic & Rift Leaks, Alan Wake Skins, YouTooz | Dead By Daylight

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New Chapter Info, New Gamemodes, Cosmetic & Rift Leaks, YouTooz | Dead By Daylight

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🕰️ *Video Timestamps:*
0:00 – Introduction

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36 thoughts on “New Chapter Info, New Gamemodes, Cosmetic & Rift Leaks, Alan Wake Skins, YouTooz | Dead By Daylight”

  1. Oh boy, my main, Twins are FINALLY getting a new skin. The last one (Flesh and Bones) looked awesome, so I have high hopes for this one too. Now…they only need to fix Victors collision bugs, so I can play them again.

  2. meh I love dbd,but I find myself playing MWZ more and more. I find playing a different game leaves me much less stressed when im done playing. I play both sides,but recent updates made DBD so unfun and stressful to play. its either you sweat for the 4k or you die/lose everyone. theres no in between sadly.Gen speeds and efficiency are a problem (especially when against a stacked squad),but so is tunneling which is a product of constant comms swf (which the game wasn't at all balanced around), and fast gens unless you're playing 1 of 3 killers

  3. Ngl they are making to much of dlcs skins etc i stead of listening to community(also the lumar event skins for kate ,yun i hope it will be full skins instead of like stripped pants or some sht like we got last year)

  4. Lunar New Year (Chinese New Year) Year of the dragon
    And the only thing that is waiting us a Yun and… Kate???, no Spirit, no Oni, no Trickster or even FENG (the only time i agree she could have a skin for her nationality)
    Imagine a legendary skin from Dredge featuring Dragons

  5. I feel like the upcoming Dredge by Daylight mode is alluding to the theory that the dredge is a mini entity or something in-training. Maybe the lore backstory will be that the dredge is doing mini trials to grow in power similarly to the entity? We'll have to wait and see


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