new dead by daylight perk came in clutch September 30, 2024 by scr5pe Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ #dbd #deadbydaylightsurvivor #dbdshorts the lord saved me in this dbd match against a huntress source
This is the hardest I’ve laughed at a YouTube short in a while, props dude 👍
What perk? You never mentioned or showed it.
Aww, a Hunty <33
'Dbd is a killer-sided game'
Bro I was the huntress I remember this play 😭
Why I thought you were playing AS JESUS
That perk is op asf, I can see why atheists are mad at it lol
That's the styptic agent. Not a perk, rather an add-on for the medkit.
These new perks from the Jesus Christ chapter are kinda op ngl