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Ayo we’re checking out the new killer The Dredge! Doing a few gameplay showcases with him and giving my initial thoughts on him and his current strength as a killer in the meta. Lemme know what you think about him in the comments
Thumbnail render made by Ev3ntic! Check her out here
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underwhelming killer tbh, had that opinion before your video and after your video
20:50 You were spot on. This is the biggest strength of the Dredge. You have such good map pressure during Nightfall that hooking often isn't worth it, at least not immediately. Even if you don't get a down, teleporting around during Nightfall is so quick, has such a low cooldown, AND it gives you killer instinct. Think of Dredge like you would Oni. You're usually an M1 killer, but you occasionally get such an extreme boost to your power.
Talks about not needing corrupt. 2 gens left. Keep believing you non meat thing.
I wish head on worked against a dredge that teleported to the locker your in
Just curious but does Unrelenting work when this killer breaks locks?
Try BBQ on this killer, its busted good
I would want to try this killer with Hex: Crowd Control. If you anticipate a survivor faulting a window (Lets say shack for example), the window will immediately block and you can attempt to teleport into the shack locker without the survivor being about to double vault away. Just in general, making sure the survivor can't just vault a window to be completely safe while you exit a locker can help you get some hits you otherwise could not
You talked about the snowball potential during nightfall, what about replacing 1 of the perks with something like knockout so the slug would be super hidden with the decreased visibility for the duration.
Dredge suffers from the "hold W to counter the killer's power" syndrome. Against decent survivors using his power only slows him down and he's a basic M1 killer. All a survivor has to do is see you try to teleport and run away from the loop and when they see you teleport to lockers just run in the opposite direction. I think it won't take too long for survivors to figure out how to play against him and people will realize that he's not that much stronger than Sadako. I already had quite a few miserable matches against decent survivors who know how to play against Dredge.
Dredge is all about short chases and teleporting to cut off a W-holding Survivor's escape route, using mind games and jump-scares to force early pallet throws and bad loop decisions, and breaking Survivor resources until night falls for more pressure. If a chase is taking too long, don't be afraid to break it off and seek out easier prey.
8:41. is that a hook right in front of the one you hooked him onto?!?! or am i going blind too lol. those look so close to each other!
9:27 yeap its a second hook. wow never seen them spawn that close to one another before!
The other dbd clone for mobile. Identity V had an incredible ideia for killer. They made a ball that goes around the map super fast, if you hit the survivor 2 times as ball they get spikes and if you hit them a third time in killer form you insta down them. Really worth it search for breaking wheel IDV
feels a lot like an upgraded freddy to me.perks like bbq,whispers,nurse's feel like super good
Floods of rage and make your choice on this killer is awesome hahah been getting easy downs
Remove circle of healing (or make it break the totem after X amount if heals, say 4) and this killer and sadako and wraith might actually be good. BHVR has released two M1 hit and run killers back to back without realising that CoH invalidates them. Fuck that perk and fuck dead hard (for distance) too
Yall think this killer will be good for the rancor challenge ?
This is kinda what I imagine the entity looking like
TP cool down is 12 seconds out of Nightfall and 4 seconds in Nightfall. So both his cool down add-ons are amazing. The out of Nightfall one is 4 seconds, making it 8. And then the in Nightfall one is 2.5, making it only 1.5. Which is insane.
In other news, is anybody else noticing that every single killer is tunneling? I’m not even referring to strategic tunneling. Every killer I’ve went against has been going after the same person off hook even when they’re fully healthy. I even was injured and body blocking the killer from going after another of my teammates who just got unhooked, and the killer didn’t even hit me even though I blocked him for 3 whole seconds. Is anybody else experiencing this? Or am I just really unlucky with the killers I’m facing?
It's also important to remember that the first map was literally horrible for Dredge
Just gonna go ahead and say that the "baiting yourself into using your power" thing you mentioned is more or less what everyone thought about blight too, and look where he's at right now. I think this killer will become really oppressive once people actually get good at him
You know what's nice about nightfall is it procs like 4 or more times per match. Unlike "main event" where it BARELY procs twice and even then you don't ever get any value out of it most of the time :/
It's ridiculously hard to survive against that killer. Pinhead was bad enough. I had to delete this game. The killers have too many advantages. It seems like they continually weaken survivors and strengthen the killers.
I love this killer. He rewards the hit and run play style and doesn’t care if people heal up. Nightfall builds for each injured survivor and adds more for each hit and I believe it adds more to the meter for a hit on a healthy survivor kinda how nemesis adds more to his infection meter if he whips a non infected survivor. I’ve been able to get nightfall at a pretty consistent rate. Since the fix to night fall from the ptb I can tell survivors are way more disoriented and since they light up like a Christmas tree I can see them from a good distance away. I’ve been tearing through most teams by just keeping them disoriented by constantly porting around getting a hit, porting to get someone else and basically trying to keep them injured till nightfall hits and then sneaking up on them and getting easy downs with darkness and undetectable
I think that this killer is good at moving survivors and keeping them away from loops. They can’t stay there or they risk getting downed very easily. That way they may take you to other survivors and get rid of a LOT of pallets.
Make Your Choice is also kinda amazing. Teleport speed add ons also help with that
You should really try to use and utilize your teleportation and lockers thing more. I feel you could sneak up better on survivors and make sneaky plays. It seems you chase too much as it and don't focus on the power. I don't think it's designed to be played as a typical killer. There's also that perk that allows you to see survivors while teleporting.
Personally, I had more fun playing against the killer, than playing the killer, I was quite disappointed playing the killer.
I have a question Tofu, you said to look at hook totals in the first match.
I believe you can see total hooks somewhere on the hud?
I have never seen that in my own killer matches, what am I missing? (I have the killer hooks option enabled)
The doll skin plays really well into the Dredge’s lore
The Dredge is the manifestation of the Ottomarians worst fears and nightmares
The Doll skin is a manifestation of EVERYONE’S worst nightmares
this killer is going to start feeling like pinhead in terms of power being high risk little reward because if you use your husk you slow down giving survivors more distance so its kinda bad unless you place your husk in between tiles
At 18:10, I think that was an instance of this killer's power just being a threat. If she ran to toward the lockers, she risked the killer popping out and getting her, so she instead left shack which is normally considered a pretty strong location for the survivor (Ironically enough…)
The thing about this killer is that he ISN'T A chase killer. He plays more like a stealth/hit and run character, except instead of just relying on cheeky hits he tries to get Nightfall to snowball kinda like Oni does with Fury.
Once nightfall begins having insanely fast map control AND constant undetectable meaning survivors can't even see your stain is insane. You can just pop out, hit a survivor and decide if it's worth committing.
Dredge's main strength imo is his ability NOT commit to chases. If you hit somebody and you see the chase doesn't end well, you can just… leave. Go somewhere else. Instantly. Since you can just CHOOSE where you are on the map at any given time is such an asset, that instead of relying on chases it's best to simply get hits you KNOW you can get and decide from there.
Devour hope and make your choice? Hook next to a locker every time? Has potential.
I dont know if you know Tofu, but the yellow skull addon is my most used. I dont know if its strong but 66% charge time seems good for a yellow addon. Feel free to try it out!
I've been having this idea for a build, Blood Favor with Field Recorder and Sacrificial Knife. Start off with Nightfall, teleport over to someone hit them, Blood Favor blocks all pallets around, cut them off with the locker teleport thingamajig, vaults get blocked as well. The only downside to this that I can think off is that the build would be super map dependent.
Also: When Nightfall is up and you're teleporting to a locker, nearby survivors will be revealed via Killer Instinct. The detection range also seems to be relatively large.
Otz and tofu are my favorite creators, otz cuz he’s amazing at the game and tofu cuz he’s just as bad as me
I think Dredge would actually be quite viable for the Rancor challenge
A rly good perk for him is make your choice I ran it with call of brine pop and floods of rage and I got a 4k in all my games
You CAN use the teleport mid chase but you can't just place it willy nilly. You have to place it where it zones them away from a good tile, and either leads them to a worse tile or forces the hit. Placing it just anywhere on the loop is completely pointless, and once you've mastered where in the loop is optimal for placing the remnant I think it'll be alot stronger in chase. ATM it looks like you're just placing it without thinking about where the remnant will force the survivor to run
Think of it this way, you do the same thing where you circle the survivor to the bad side of the loop and THEN break the pallet. You have to think the same way with the remnant placements
Another hold-w killer? Nice to see behavior promoting fun gameplay as always 😀
i loveeee the new update, got me back into dbd
Getting used the remnant telelport is super important. It took me some time and there's an add on that helps with that too. One you get it down to a tee then chases become super shorter, but you're also correct about baiting them out to make them leave. Most survivors have resorted to just immediately leaving the tile as soon as they see the remnant. So take advantage of that as much as you can.
If you want mindgames then you need to use the remnant more. Problem is that its countered by holding W.
Wish more ppl would play him. Ive seen him 10 times in the last 4 days an i play dbd for 9hrs straight each day :/ one day of those 4 i saw NONE of the dredge….
You're waiting too long too teleport to the remnant. You teleport when they loose like of sight or begin committing to a direction. If they leave the tile, cancel and you hardly loose distance. During nightfall you're incredibly strong, you HAVE to make the most of it, getting hits or downs can add an insane amount of pressure. Cutting people off with lockers becomes much more viable and it's easy to startle survivors.
Do only grab challenge:)
Make your choice on this killer is super good. I saw it in my bloodweb and immediately wanted to try it out, and it worked wayyy better than it should have.
Upload the survivor gameplay against this guy, I think that would be cool af
His teleport is perfect for rancorn 4k!!!🔥🔥🔥
Most survivors expect that you will always try to put them in a lose-lose scenario with the remnant, but its actually really great tool for mind-games.
For example, in a long-short wall with the pallet down, you can hide the direction you are coming from. Put the remnant on the short side, walk along the long wall past the pallet (make sure the survivor sees you do this) and then instantly teleport while they per-emptively wait for you to appear at the other side of the long wall.
Priming the survivor by having them see you walk past the pallet is key, as you can teleport without them realising you are not going around the whole way, and usually will always be close enough for a hit. Yeah, you can try to give them no options Pyramid head-style by committing to walking around and only teleporting when they go near the remnant, but that can usually be beaten by Shift-W gamers.