New Patch Vs Evening Survivors! Dead by Daylight

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Evening survivors making this patch look killer favoured haha but tbh they made every patch look that way!

#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight #evening

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23 thoughts on “New Patch Vs Evening Survivors! Dead by Daylight”

  1. ♥️𝗧𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝗱𝘂𝗹𝘁 𝗽𝗼𝗿𝗻 𝘃𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗼𝘀 𝗼𝗻𝗹𝘆❤️ Alles sehr schön. Aber zuerst zusammen die Nummern 10 und 1. Eine warmthh.Online Brünette und eine andere Blondine. Es wäre unfairu, wenn ich 4 wählen würde

  2. MMR is why survivor is struggling. Boosted players it took zero skill to be survivor you could escape without ever being chased now you don't have DH and you never learned to loop. Eventually it will even out before MMR my killers won 80 percent now it's like 50 survivor went from 50-75 point is people are not as good as they think. It now takes marginal skills to play survivor you can't be carried. Enjoy it while you can there crying so they will get catered to like always and MMR will balance out by then and things may get worse. Game is still survivor sided if you're good or let me re phrase that playing with people your level what ever that is relax survivors you will be teabagging everyone in exit gates again soon enough GG ez baby survivor. I will say though that is a mean build your using and unfun to go against but hey is what it is. I won't run meta like that and games are more competitive. But I understand that build is almost unbeatable against a non good swf I wouldn't even try either. The fact they got 3 gens done is impressive with your skill level and those perks they did great

  3. ♥️𝗧𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝗱𝘂𝗹𝘁 𝗽𝗼𝗿𝗻 𝘃𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗼𝘀 𝗼𝗻𝗹𝘆❤️ Alles sehr schön. Aber zuerst zusammen die Nummern 10 und 1. Eine emprutt.ONLINE Brünette und eine andere Blondine. Es wäre unfairy, wenn ich 4 wählen würde

  4. I like your content but I gotta literally hit 'don't recommend channel' because I'm sick of the dumb thumbnails. They don't even improve viewcounts. Shame. Aw well bye Tru3

  5. Glad you're feeling better, Tru3!
    These Survivors were inefficient, but 4 gen-defence perks is also a tad overkill, these days.
    I'd swap Thana and Jolt for STBFL and I'm All Ears or Nurse's Calling.

  6. Sry if this is rude but is it necessary to camp first hook at Five Gen?? Even after this update didn’t this patch make every killer stronger especially After Dead Hard can’t evade DeathSlinger shot…

  7. I know you won't grow as a player from the criticism, but I'm going to say it anyway.

    The survivors that you say are "good" actually just know that you're going to try to over-emphasize mindgames at every loop and excessively extend your chases. It has nothing to do with the state of the game, it's your playstyle in chase.

  8. Prediction: Survivor eacape rate will drop because old dead hard carries low skill survivors so hard. Because of this and the hilariously bad data the devs look at they will think killers are really strong which is going to cause issues.

  9. Mfs got borrowed time at base kit, we got 0.2 second buffs on kicks and swings and it's "killer sided". I genuinely question the IQ of these survivor mains no way THIS MANY people are that clueless…

  10. Some of us are just bad survivors because we play super casually. That said… a couple years ago, I could barely break into single digit survivor ranks and now I got to level 4? To say the game is survivor sided is an understatement. This new patch though… back to dying like the trash survivor I am 😂 it's fun to be nervous again. I've been playing since beta and I miss the fear. Keep it up true. 🤙

  11. 6:20 But you also had to walk around the tile and slow down while reloading XD Of course he's gonna get farther away. And unfortunately, if they made it to the point where you could hit a survivor at a loop and then always catch them before they make it to another one, it would be really unrealistic. You recover faster after M1, they don't have as long a sprint burst after getting hit, but anything MORE than this slight buff would most likely be too much.

    All in all, this patch was great for killer vs solos (obviously) and slightly better against the sweats, though not by much.

  12. I never liked the meta and I only used the perks for adept. It was boring as shit. Now I'm playing just fine doing my usual random perk experimentation and watching everyone play like they've been drinking for hours. It's hilarious, infuriating and embarrassing all at the same time.

  13. Man look at that! Those are the games that your average late night streamer gets. 7 minutes and they did the first gen. Tru3 is having fun in a sandbox here.

    I’ll die on this hill! DBD is Mario Party murder edition. And this boom of “competitive” players that started with the Hexy tournament has ruined the reputation of the game by hindering the experience of babies.

  14. The latest patch gives the killer huge advantage in solo survivor game. For a solo player like me its hard to survive and get off the exit gates not like before. Now with my mates with call outs 4man team we absolutely dominate the game so basically the improvement of the patch works on survivors if you have a team mate playing with you and call outs. But a huge disadvantage to a solo player because with the meta perks gone its really hard to survive or escape chase with the killer. But its just my opinion base on my game experience with the latest patch.

  15. Can anyone explain this to me. 1:03 why does TrU3 expect that after getting a hit on a survivor that the survivor shouldn't be allowed to get to a pallet. if this was the case the survivors only get like 1 chance and then they would just go down. doesn't seem fair. sounds like you just want mad grit and 8 stacks of stbfl to be basekit.


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