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#IntotheFog #dbd #deadbydaylight

Bring Stranger Things Back to DBD:

This video overviews new killer and new survivor perks leaks as well as new offerings not seen yet in Dead by Daylight.

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50 thoughts on “NEW PERKS, OFFERINGS, and SURVIVOR STATUS EFFECT LEAKED – Dead by Daylight”

  1. The All-Seeing Eye offering sounds weird especially since BHVR said they were planning to overhaul Mori's to be apart of the match system instead of an offering. This'll make it so only shrouds and whatever new offerings are gonna be secret offerings and almost no one uses shrouds. It sort of feels dumb to include something that only counters one set of offerings when you can easily guess it's one of the three depending on how many survivors are nearby your first chase. IMO that one offering makes this leak sound fake but I don't doubt BHVR would add a new offering which has very minimal use. Although Blind Eye sounds cool it sort of makes me wish Killers can use two offerings since it'll have no effect if a Killer uses it and, with the Mori overhaul, having two offerings wouldn't be broken; they can also stop two offerings from being used with one another if it's something like two branches or two shrouds.

  2. maybe these are some of the reworked perks that they said they were gonna be adding, or even just some random new perks kinda like how they added shatter hope.

  3. when he says he found all these things, is he a data miner then? and shouldnt we be able to retrace his steps if so? this whole things seems too fishy to believe, good enought that you want to believe tho

  4. The last one sounds fake because of the numbers like you said but also because of the way it says “the effect lingers for 15 seconds” normally the perk descriptions are pretty detailed saying stuff like “the effect lingers for 15 seconds after survivors are no longer in range of the chase”

  5. 8:01 not only have I seen this icon before, but it's very clearly an upscaled WGLF and DMS. Plus the usual transparent black outline every perk has is very clearly erased out with a photoshop erasure tool in a very inconsistent. Kinda devalues everything in this vid.

  6. Schmuckles in the main screen of dbd where you see the campfire, if you were playing as the dredge and have his twisted plaything skin on, the doll face that appears on his arm looks an offly lot like chucky. He has orange hair and blue eyes, could be a coincidence but idk

  7. For me, disoriented has to do with head trauma. Like a blunt object or attack with sound. If the knight that's been rumored uses a shield or mace, that could explain it. It could be a resident evil perk, but I think a knight makes more sense.

  8. Can the people leaking the dbd stuff just stop? I understand that it's cool to have a heads up, but the new killer dropped literally yesterday. Let suspense build, let people get excited, the ptb already let's people see things a month early already. No need to know everything new even before that

  9. I feel like this is fake, seen nothing from DBD Leaks about this so I’m feeling that it’s likely fake.

    The only reason that DBD Leaks wouldn’t confirm this is either because it’s not credible or the supposed leaker didn’t send it to them, and the only reason the leaker wouldn’t send it to them is because it’s fake..

  10. I think I'll stick with Thrilling Tremors. I know it's gotta be unoccupied gens, but still. Most gens are typically left alone for that 15 second duration. If Wesker is the killer with these, he's going in with some weak cavalry. Survivors on the other hand will be having a field day against anyone who isn't maining Spirit, Nurse, or Blight. At this point ALL my perks are gonna have to focus on gen regression. Jesus, I wish this every 3 month BS would end. We either get perks that are better versions of others or perks lingering in absurdly OP territory because that's just about all that's left for them to touch up on before running out of ideas.


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