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23 thoughts on “NEXT CHAPTER LEAKED! ShrineWatch & DBD News”

  1. To fix the Boons here’s what I think should be done
    1. Lower the range effects
    2. If a Boon is placed over a Hex, when the killer stomps out the Boon it should bring the Hex back instead of just becoming a plain totem, I feel like this is a + for killers to get their Hex back & if the survivor decides to cleanse instead of bless then they lose a spot for a boon
    I think they’ll eventually update the boon once enough money has been made of Mikaela sales

  2. Okay so I worked at a company once as a customer service manager and one time, the marketing team (without giving my team any heads up, mind you), sent out a mass email with "leaked email screenshots" of our next product's design. While we were notified a short time later that it was a marketing thing, many customers emailed us with concern that there was an actual leak. That said, I think that the twitter is a marketing thing to create hype for the next killer, survivor, and map, especially when it said "This account will be terminated in 12 hours" like if this was an actual leak I douuuuubt it would have a proper handle and such a proper time limit. So someone at marketing is having a good laugh rn. And honestly, I hate that this kinda marketing strategy works lmao

  3. I honestly think Killers are making a way bigger deal out of Boon totems than they deserve. If they were that OP I'd see them in every game. I don't. Already people have stopped running them because it is easy to not get any value out of them. Maybe one game out of 20 I'm in a game where the boon totem feels like it's swinging the game, and man that's just how totems are: situationally amazing, but undependable. Like Hex: Ruin or any other good killer hex totem. Some games they are amazing and oppressive, other games they get killed and were useless.

    And instead of complaining about how strong boon totems are and looking for nerfs, how about look forward to new killer perks that give you counter play. There already are killer perks that offer some counter play so it's not like Killers are helpless.

  4. I too hate me some Hillybilly. His BS power hitbox is only rivaled by Huntress.

    I've been running only engame builds lately. It's so nice to ignore the gens and get the same amount of kills.

  5. I agree with you, Panda. Boon totems are the worst idea Behavior has ever had.
    I honestly don't know if I want to play this game anymore. It's become a hot mess and, while I hope I'm wrong, I honestly don't expect to see it getting better anytime soon.

  6. Finally someone agrees how broke Boon totems are, they made it so distortion and lightweight for example are borderline useless, selfcare is less useless but there is no reason to run it now having circle of healing and at least one survivor will run a Boon and there is a chance all 4 will run it. Not to mention that having no scratches makes it so the survivors can just sprint all over the map with no repercussion it eliminates one of the main mechanics of the game. Call me salty but I ran into an SWF the other day with 2 and it basically made it so they could run between the last 3 gens with no scratches. At least once a hex is broken its gone forever but boons go back up almost immediatly, plus snuffing it might help a survivor replace it in a better spot.

  7. I've stopped playing for awhile now. I'm tired of all the changes to the game, unless something is severely broken. So I can't give an honest opinion on the Boon totems besides what I've watched from others. They do seem very strong. The only thing I think they should do is lower the radius and not show the aura to other survivors who didn't bless the totem. Otherwise I think its fine. I'm sure it will get nerfed more as I feel the game caters to the killers. Just my opinion. Love you Panda!

  8. I gave up on playing it. I don't have a pc but playing on console or anywhere just isn't worth it. Between the hackers, the 20 min wait times for killer, and the sweat fest, I'm just done with it. I've literally seen multiple killers with a instant kill button. The game loads in and all survivors die automatically and the survivor sweat when playing killer after I waited 30 minutes for a game?? I've had killer games shorter than the time I had to wait. It's not fun, I just watch now.

  9. Sorry panda I disagree with you here killers have hex undying ruin and a bunch of other annoying perks that made killers too strong this new chapter has brought some fun back to people who like to play survivor. Nonetheless I enjoy watching your videos keep up the good work 😊

  10. Panda I could agree more, DbD has been in a absolute slump for month. I love this game, I love both sides but the games play style on both sides has become so “unfun” everyone uses the same perks and it’s because nothing else in the game competes well enough to justify variety when trying to obtain either sides goal. For killers; they want a 4K but but in order to get it against skilled survivors you have to play “dirty, campy, tunneling, wrong” and get yelled at by the survivors post game because you want to win and if you don’t you get 1 or no kills. And for the survivors it’s the exact same you have to just sit on gens no stop no totems no chests, hold one button and swap with teammates in chase and get all the gens done by the time the killer gets 3-4 hooks to get everyone out just so the killer rage quits tunnels the last player or has the killer call you “try hard meta SV Gen rushers” OR play slower and get 1-2 survivors out. Either way someone’s being toxic and it’s just because nothing has changed in years. The people that play this game still at higher levels are good, to good. They know everything and how everything can be placed and where totems spawn and how to control one side of the map. So when you eek your way into this bracket it just feels gross to play. And now with seemingly no Anti Cheat in game, people are actually cheating to get ahead and bully equivalently skilled opponents and relatively nothing is being done. I love this game. I’ve spent thousands of hours trying to master both sides and watched almost as many from my favorite content creators. I really hope BeHavior finds a way to turn it around.

  11. Hmm, leaks about a secret organization. Isn't that exactly how everyone in every secret organization story finds out about the organization? Wasn't there a note on the screen that the person planned to delete the account from the very beginning. There's something very "submissive chicken" to me about this. I'd not be surprised if these end up being in the game. I'd be just as not surprised if it doesn't. Even if it's seriously being developed, companies change their minds and cancel whole portions of projects all the time. I'll believe it when I see it.

  12. So here’s my personal idea on how to make the boones a bit more fair:
    1st. Have it be a radius of 12 meters (so 24 meter circumference, so like M&A range on most killers)
    2nd. Make it so either the boon totem’s blessing wares off after a certain amount of time or make it so after a certain amount of use amongst all survivors, the totem loses power to continue on and reblessing can’t be enabled.

    So my example would be, circle of healing: after the equivalent of 3 heals the totem burns out
    Shadow step: depending on the number of auras that are blocked out, will burn the blessing out or the amount of time spent in chase while in this boon totem’s range will burn it out.


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