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This build makes The Oni, an already strong Killer, debatably S-tier! Okay, I might be trolling a little, but no power Oni is unironically good.
Dead by Daylight
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#DBD #intothefog
Oni mains incoming
Wtf is that weapon? 😀
Notice how the obssession is the one saying "Meh" and "Matched with bots", it's a trend when you run STBFL and ignore the obssession, they think they are gods when they are indirectly killing their team by not taking aggro
guy always tries his hardest to promote m1 gameplay is swear
Do you think having legions fury timer start after the first hit would be op? I feel like it will make him better on bigger maps while keeping him the same on smaller ones. Plus his tracking is non existent when in frenzy so it would mean you have to switch in and out of frenzy to actually find people
When i (a broken record) am in a repeating competition and my opponent is Tat saying the same memes 💀💀💀💀💀
BREAKING NEWS: Small DBD Streamer Tatariu shot dead behind BHVR's office for calling Jolt "Surge"
Only person to employ the valorant accent in dbd
You can physically feel when someone goes against solo q instead of swf, that's why tiers don't matter in this game – knockout is pretty devestating on stealth killers, but once it's swf – absolutely useless. Here he doesn't even need his power, when swf would not permit him to have his power, but if he gets it eventually – he woldn't be able to hit anyone with it. Swf has such a gap on solo q that i don't understand how it still hasn't been nerfed in any way/perks that are countered by it reworked.
2:52 how did he down her there? Didn't she have endurance?