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That’s a nice pallet you have there, it would be a shame if something happened to it… Enjoy this gameplay commentary as The Legion in Dead by Daylight from my recent Twitch livestream!
Dead by Daylight
Twitch Channel
#DBD #intothefog
Legion Fact: The Legion can break Pallets.
So true
Using addons because they're effective < Using mixtapes so you can have even better chase music
Lol that is actually my favorite build that I use every time
I like the way you play legion ❤❤❤
8:05 I using: Iridescent button + Fuming Mixtape combo! 😀 (I that so cool, when you have the Descent chase potential and Map Control/slowdown by two your addons! :D)
OMG its the Legion Game i redeemed 😀
Im so happy :3
We're you getting pallet stunned a lot and you got salty XD
How do you feel about this new ptb update?
Mmm hmmm this build is my beloved.
8:04 AYO listen i love speed and duration, but mainly my long ass lunge from bracelet
see the thing is tat, what if the survivor is so big brain that they think the legion is using the bug and doesn't actually have julie's despite the music track
thats my favorite addon combo, you just dont give a shit about pallets
This build turns Legion with barely any anti-loop and turns them into a pallet tanker and shredder beast
can iri tape really be used with surveillance? when the power ends, the regression from the tape does too, and surveillance turns gens yellow when regression stops by any means