NO HEALING Wesker Build! | Dead by Daylight

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I am loving this killer even with the terrible map and the amount of bugs. Project W overall is a great addition in my opinion. Thank you guys so much for watching πŸ™‚

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13 thoughts on “NO HEALING Wesker Build! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. So playing against Wesker 9 out of every 10 matches the last few days I've determined he's just like any other killer it depends who's playing as him. I give him a B+ tier ranking maybe a low A at most performance wise.

  2. Dude! That gameplay was intense! I gotta say! Wesker is really good! I've been enjoying him a lot so far. I honestly think he's right in A tier and probably just one spot below Pyramid Head just barely! They both have similar advantages and synergies with a lot of the same perks. That little maneuver at 7:05 really shows that no pallet is God pallet against him. That game on Haddonfield was a great showcase of his strength since that map is honestly he'll for killer but Wesker really makes all those super strong windows less strong!


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