No Ill Intent, Just Trying To Win – Dead by Daylight

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Survivor mains need to understand what needs to be done to win with killer. It isn’t a malicious attack or done to cause irritation, pain…etc It’s needed to win.

#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight #pyramidhead

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7 thoughts on “No Ill Intent, Just Trying To Win – Dead by Daylight”

  1. LP reacted d ryt way, she is Gondess.Uno need of over drama, or over consider ations. She don't deserve *considerationsz. Lp പറഞ്ഞ പോലെ,, ജീവിതം തുടങ്ങിയല്ലേ ഉള്ളു, പഠിക്കട്ടെ.

  2. It's funny how relatable this survivor rulebook is to old tales with various regional variants: imagine if the young mouse told the falcon to not eat him and instead wait a year or so to grow bigger when it is "fair" to have a very meaty prey between the claws. Problem is, the predator doesn't have an entire year to wait in order to fill his belly and no guarantee to meet said mouse again. Which is why one should never fall for cheap moralistic words like this. Rules of the game: survivors must repair generators to escape. Killer: has to kill as many survivors as possible and by any mean necessary to prevent that from happening. Just stick with the facts and bam, problem solved! You can only blame yourself for losing, projecting your despair onto other people is a pathetic attempt at slave's morality. Now imagine if the falcon told the mouse to not have DS, BT, Unbreakable, Dead Heard, CoH, because it reduces the hunt's probability of success so it's unfair… Morality is rarely rarely a two way thing.

  3. Tru3 my boy just say it like this.

    I assumed she was going to go for the pallet and therefore I shot. She assumed I would do that and she was right therefore she dodged. You both had the same mindgame in play and unfortunately she read yours.

  4. In the words of a wise man: "If you restrict yourself from the strongest tactics available because you are concerned about other peoples enjoyment of the game you are probably a very nice person and I´d love to meet you in real life, but I would hate having you on my team."


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