No Perks Plague at Rank 1 | Dead by Daylight Killer Builds

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Continuing the masochism series with The Plague! This is a killer I rarely play, but we’re still queueing up at rank 1 with no perks or addons and suffering for your amusement. Enjoy!

Thumbnail render made by Niina! Check her out here

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49 thoughts on “No Perks Plague at Rank 1 | Dead by Daylight Killer Builds”

  1. Plague is like the Symmetra from Overwatch of DBD; Some people find her really fucking annoying, and you’d be hard pressed to find anyone who mains her.

    (Jk, love you Plague mains)

  2. Hey Tofu, I got two build suggestions for you that might be fun to try out:
    1) Doctor with Distressing, Huntress Lullaby, Unnerving Presence and Oppression with the Calm and Order addons (Iri Queen works too), impossible skill check 2.0
    2) Doctor with Distressing Coulrophobia, Sloppy Butcher and Thanatophobia, addons of your choice, anti-healing build
    Needless to say, these would work great on smaller maps where you can cover most of the map with your terror radius.

    I hope you have fun with these even though they're not too strong ^^

  3. The first team die just for being greedy and the second one for being noobs. I don't want to see rank 30 surv, i want to see all those sweaty mf that gen rush, blind you without even looking at them and loop like 30 times till your slow shitty ass catch them (if the game fake hitbox wants).

  4. One tip for Plague's power is that puking on someone to hasten them to the injured state is MUCH better than just hitting them and letting them get broken. You may think it's the same effect either way, but after infecting someone a fully charged puke on them will take them straight to injured and will not give them a damage boost, allowing you to very quickly down them.

  5. People don't talk about this enough, likely because people don't play Plague enough:

    New maps (and reworks) are just as terrible to Plague as they are to Nurse. Where Nurse has no-blink zones, I have stood and watched Plague's puke get blocked mid-air in open field.

  6. I love playing plague, she is my favorite, but I do hate how busted her puke is.

    I also hate how loud all the whispering is. Like Why? huntress isn't that loud.

  7. The problem with plague's puke is that it doesn't have a consistent stream of a hitbox. It's almost as if the hitboxes are broken up as you vomit on the survivors, so certain parts might not be able to inflict sickness/damage on them. It's really weird, but that's the only explanation I've heard that makes any sense to me.

  8. Doctor, Wraith and Plague are whom I’m leveling. I’m new but I love these 3. I have several and I also have Clown. I hate Clown. THAT has to be the worst killer. Luv the videos especially this series of no adds.

  9. Tofu: who even plays plague anymore?

    Me: sits in the back of the room, quietly murmuring that I’m probably the only rank 1 Plague main in the UK, if anyone else is out there, you’re also not the only one ❤️


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