No Perks Speed Limiter Leatherface at Rank 1 | Dead by Daylight Killer Builds

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The masochism series continues, with your boy Leatherface at rank 1. As usual, we are running addons that make us worse, so speed limiter is thrown onto the build as well. Enjoy the suffering!

Thumbnail render made by Niina! Check her out here

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28 thoughts on “No Perks Speed Limiter Leatherface at Rank 1 | Dead by Daylight Killer Builds”

  1. idk where this theory that "you used to be able to use keys while on the ground" came from but ive seen it so many times ive heard so many people argue that and it always boggles my mind. did they come from some alternate universe where items were usable on the ground? that would be broken

  2. In all honesty, speed limiter bubba is alot nicer on your emblems since each hit from the chainsaw counts twords your won chases, and since your also rewarded for quick chases it just jumps it up alot

    In addition to a 2nd addon, speed limiter is hecking fun on a build

  3. 15 /20 matches each day camping or tunnelling this statistic shows how much killer players are like garbage persons who just wish to ruin others fun , cuz they simply cant have fun 😅

  4. Tofu, you should've used Carburettor Tuning Guide + Speed Limiter, it really is the machochist build, believe me! You consume all charges and you are slower than usual with a single health state chainsaw, I once got it as Bubba on a randomizer against friends and it was truly atrocious!

  5. I had an oni slug a Feng min with 3 gems left and he had already killed the other 2 survivors. I managed to finish the 3erd gen and find hatch but he kept farming his ability off her, then he downed her with infectious fright. The match lasted 10 minutes and he eventually found me because I couldn’t hide the scream from infectious. She was 15 seconds away from bleeding out. People taking the game hostage is real problem in this game.

  6. Tofu's freaking out about people writing mean comments about his old man eyes, I'm sitting here almost 21 and I don't see half the stuff he sees… It's just hard to tell who is who sometimes, especially when they're covered in strawberries like that Bill was xP

  7. Wish you could've seen the match I was just in. I was playing Leatherface, rank 17. Getting stomped by survivors because I honestly have a hard time figuring out who/what to focus on in a chase (either breaking off too early or staying laser focused). I've accepted that I'm going to lose the entire match.
    The tide turns when I manage to down a survivor outside the kill shack, get them into the basement. Apparently their survivor friend follows me into the basement and jumps into a locker behind me, but forgets about the scratches. Now I have two hooked in the basement. I forget a lot of the rest and one escaped through the gate, but I'm just happy with three.

    Sorry. I'm just really excited about that.


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