NO REMOSE FOR A T BAGGING OoO – Dead by Daylight!

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26 thoughts on “NO REMOSE FOR A T BAGGING OoO – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. they should add a separate color to the hook meter to differentiate hooks and hook states. Like for example, if you get all 3 hooks on a survivor to kill them then you get 3 red bars, but if you one hook a survivor, you get one red bar for the hook, and you get two yellow bars for the survivor entering second stage and dying.

  2. You are streamer with so many hours than why you are so sensitive, and still care for ranking 😂😂😂
    Teabags shouldn't be identified as a Toxic, they do this to get chase!
    We use OoO to watch what is happening in game because doing gens is boring and ofcourse you can kill me because there is no role of OoO for killing survivors!

  3. I’ve gotten to the point where killing these players isn’t satisfying enough, I like to make their experience absolutely insufferable by slugging them excessively and bming them


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