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47 thoughts on “NOED IS UNHEALTHY FOR THE GAME – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. The irony of NOED is that if this Clown had taken something useful like Discordance instead, maybe he would have been able to stop the gens and win. NOED is a shitty perk from both perspectives.

  2. Think about this: NOED is allowed in most tournaments while survivors are heavily handicapped with item/perk choices (sometimes even actions like not being able to do the first 3 gens while injured).
    NOED is seen as means to balance against > handicapped survivors <
    Don't get me wrong, I hate NOED, but that just shows how broken survivors really are when played at top level.

  3. When will they finally fucking get rid of it?!
    The one thing that really is hurting this game is the fact, that the devs are in fucking rank 20! My god, I'm one of those players that still tries to keep playing and seeing the good things, but even I'm reaching my end…
    It's really just everything right now that's so overwhelmingly shit.
    And for god sake throw Almo out!

    Thanks for coming to my TED yell.

  4. I usually agree but I can't with this. It's not like NOED is a permanent effect. Survivors have an entire game to prevent that from happening. Even perks and items that help. CLEAN THE TOTEMS its not hard. Bring a map or detectives hunch or heck even small game. Oh wait survivors won't do that because it's inefficient and doing gens and escaping is the only thing that matters and they need their deadhards and ds's and flashlights….. 😐

  5. Most competent killers doesn't even use noed because they are playing with 3 or less perks during the whole game, I used noed when I started playing but after I got I better understanding of the game I stopped using it, imo noed is newbie perk and should be reworked maintaining the speed bonus and removing the insta down with reduction on the CD between attacks or shorten the time for end game collapse

  6. Oh no Undying, they can see me if i spend the entire game next to this totem. Better cry for a nerf rather than spending a couple seconds destroying the totem and being rewarded for it lol I will never understand this Undying was too op craze

  7. Maybe they could rework NOED with a token mechanic, with the killer gaining one token with each hook for example, and in the end of the game his next X hits expose the survivors. Or maybe for every token, he gets an amount of time where NOED will be active. I guess that would reward killers who actually play well and manage to get a good amount of hooks.

  8. This isn't a crack at the streamers, but does anyone set volumes for different streamers BEFORE they click on their vids? Like with otz i have him at medium and tru i have him at near max

  9. Listening to your tournament proposal I have a question. Since Ruin would be a perk that has to be used and not cleansing it would that mean you would ban all other hex perks since it’s random placement? My time zone doesn’t allow me to watch most of the steam so I don’t know if you have talked about it.

  10. I don't use noed but whingeing about it is just sad, it's a perk. Every perk inflates stats if you think about it. Dh ds unbreakable are all second chance perks and noed only activates if you don't do totems and manage to make to endgame. Like I'm sick of people crying over perks. Just play the game, or don't.

  11. NOED in my view rewards inexperienced or “bad” killers, as the killer can go through normal chases and either kill or not kill survivors throughout the match but then have all the gens pop and get a perk which speeds them up and gives them easy downs and when we include map Rng and bloodlust this creates scenarios where players feel hopeless against NOED, now albeit this perk does become ideally less effective as time wears on as this gives people the chance to find the totem or get out, but when applying map rng or trap or movement killers who can reach their totems in no time this makes the hopeless feeling intensified

  12. Im new at this game and its really fun. I just see negative stuff about it. You guys are weird. Are your lives so pathetic you just bitch about everything? Its a fun game.

  13. Not that big of a true fan….mostly cuz I cant understand what he's saying most times but he's right. Noed does inflate the stats that the devs look at to balance the game. Noed just rewards bad killers. I say that as a rank 1 killer main. I stopped using noed when I hit green ranks. By then I had enough experience in the game to be a skilled and efficient killer. Noed is the most crutch perk a killer can use

  14. If you want ruin to not be cleansable as in just a perk not a hex. That would make it hella OP. It would have to have its regression speed turned down to 75% to 100% and only effect 2 to 3 gens at a time that have progress on them.
    Having it stay at 200% would be way to strong.

  15. I don’t think it’s THAT strong of a perk. I mean it’s strong but I know you’ve said it’s the second strongest perk in the game and I can’t agree with that.

    Flaws with noed: it relies on failure of your of one of your main objectives(defending generators).

    It’s a hex so it’s cleansible

    It can be removed from the match before it’s ever even used.

    That’s a lot of downsides.

    That said, I DO agree it’s unhealthy because killers that run it become over reliant on it and get lazy. And you can typically see it coming a mile away because killers that run it usually ignore generators and pursue chases wayyy too long.

    However, undying was also unhealthy in its un nerfed state when things like slugging and camping exist and are as effective as they are. Put in actual anti tunneling slugging and camping mechanics instead of band aid perks like ds, unbreakable and borrowed time that are all easily countered, then old undying/ruin would be alright.

  16. Killer's sacrifice BP should be based on the struggle and the amount of different hook that survivor was… so 3 time hook would multiply the BP that survivor gain through struggle and award it to the killer.
    Thus if a survivor see a killer facecamping him he just don'T struggle and the killer don'T get BP for that sacrifice…
    The entity is pleased for survivor that struggle and if the killer don't give any hope of being rescue, survivor don't have any reason to struggle.
    Implementing that would remove Face camping even proxy camping…
    Killer will be incentised to give survivors hope that they can survive.

  17. Gens should regress by default but stop at a tier of (0%)/25%/50%/75%…and kicking a Gens should remove 5% and remove that regression stop; Tapping a gen would not prevent regression just reactivate the regression stop to the next tier… each of those tiers are actially on piston of the motor, so once one is working fine it will remain fix,… only the unfixed piston will regress.
    I would increase the Gens repair time needed by 50% also, and make DS integrated into the Struggle mechanic as a random skill check proc;
    Decisive Strike perk would enable that DS mechanics to activate when you are grabbed from a healthy state.
    I would also make Dead Hard also available by default to everyone as a dodge, that can only be used when healthy instead;
    Dead Hard perk would enable that dodge ability when injured and would cause to remove exhaustion when hit by any killer attack.

    This way chase will be extended, and survivor will have more things to do by default, by Gens work would also be extended so each would balance, making the game more interesting for both.
    Incenticising Killer to chase survivors off Gens and for longer time so Gen regress.

  18. i disagree with the invincible ruin idea. what happens if you get three gened? you can say “well then don’t three gen yourself” but you can’t control that with solo q

  19. Ehhh as someone who has played both killer and survivor, I can understand the frustration with noed. But I can also see its benefit. It adds an extra thing survivors need to be weary off. The potential threat of Noed forces survivors to cleanse any dull totems they see during the game. Most other Hex perks can be dealt with so easily. So I'd say Noed actually does add a fair amount to the game

  20. Nothing is more painful than doing most / all the gens, being the only one saving teammates and, winning every chase. only to go down to NOED and get 1 hooked cause your team decides to leave you.


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