NOED Should Be Deleted – Dead by Daylight

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NOED Should Be Deleted – Dead by Daylight
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BHVR need to yet this perk out of the car while driving slightly over the speed limit… or just, you know, change it.

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Music Used:
Dead by Daylight Metal Cover – Thunder Scott –
“Tainted (Instrumental Version)” by Red Revision

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38 thoughts on “NOED Should Be Deleted – Dead by Daylight”

  1. My Noed Rework: It's not a hex perk anymore. New name and perk:

    Scourge hook: No One Escape Death

    At the start of the Trial, 4 random Hooks are changed into Scourge Hooks:

    – The Aura of Scourge Hooks are revealed to you in white.
    – Each time a survivor is hooked on a Scourge Hook you gain a token to a max of 5.

    When the exit gates are powered NOED activates: when hitting a survivor with a basic attack you lose a token, that survivor will be put into the dying state (unless they have the endurance status effect, in that case you dont use a token and the perk won't be revealed).
    Each token will increase your base movement speed by 0.2/0.3/0.4%.

  2. Ok here is the thing about noed its a crutch perk i dont use it i dont think its that good its gone as soon as it activated if your going against anyone or any team with a set of brains and im a red rank killer and red rank survivor its just like running ds as a survivor if your stupid as a killer your getting dsed as you should expect bye now the spawning of totems are in the same spots in every map there are 2 to 3 randomized spawn locations for totems if you cant f8nd this out with out using a app or another device sorry to tell you cry babys your ass have a nice day 🤣

  3. I’ve had survivors complain about me bringing Noed even though I 4ked before the last gen popped. They’re all just salty and entitled. That’s why more people are quitting killer and leaving survivors with bad queue times. Salty players and bad matchmaking.

    Also 1000 bp/totem, inner strength, small game and counterforce plus THREE BOONS, AND if people are worried about it they can break the totems before last gen pops. The survivors have a million ways to stop it.

    My squad routinely avoids it by doing totems and expecting it at the end, so I don’t see why anyone cries about it

  4. how's about a complete rework to it.
    No longer a hex.
    New description:
    Each time you hook a survivor, gain a token. Once the exit gates are powered, each token grants a 1/2/3% boost to movement speed, and succesful basic attack cooldown for 120 seconds

  5. Either make it hook based with a timer like No Way Out, or after 60/70/80 seconds of NOED being active, the totems aura is revealed to all survivors kinda similar to Hex: Plaything. I like the timer better, that way it’s not infinite.

  6. I'll admit I've been running NoED more often ever since the Resident Evil chapter brought in Counter Force, it was my belief that Counter Force/Small Game made it reasonable to prevent or cleanse NoEd.

    Of course boons kind of made that combo undesirable to run. Of course this only encourages the use of NoED since now it's even LESS likely to be prevented.

  7. I completely disagree.

    Survivors can cleanse totem before it even activate so any totems that they're not using with boom totems they can find using the many totem perks they have and cleanse it….. That's a huge nerve for a where most killers are super weak especially compared to survivors.

  8. There are so many ways to counter noed you can 1. leave and let the killer get their 1k, 2. bring unbreakable so they can't slug, 3. cleans or boon totems so noed doesn't activate, 4. bring totem perks so you can find noed easier

    So yeah you have more ways to counter noed than to counter DH, DS/Unbreakable, so if you want to remove noed then remove at least all exhaustion perks

  9. Personally I would rework noed to work like this noed appears when the second to last gen gets to completed but is not quite active yet but it will blocked by the entity until the final gen is completed then noed activates

  10. I agree that NOED should be removed but I disagree with your reasoning. Totems are very easy to find and don’t take long to cleanse. Saying it’s not balanced because survivors don’t do bones is wrong and even worse saying survs want to use their boons so NOED is unfair, boons should be a trade off to begin with. There should be more perks that punish survs for not doing bones to stop the gen rush meta and actually give you a chance to have more than 2 chases a match. NOED is busted because it rewards bad play and that’s it.

  11. I think they should keep no ed even though I never use it because there isn't a point to get rid of it survivors should just start cleansing totems too because if some killers don't run Gen slowdown or run a not try hard build it can help

  12. I think NOED is fine but killers should have the option of snuffing or destroying a totem. Lessening their chances of their NOED activating if they’re running it which is good for survivors, but also the survivors can’t bless that totem anymore either since boons are pretty OP.

    survivor main btw

  13. Ngl, I'm mostly interested in the salt the comments are going to collect on this. Anytime NoED is brought up, for some killer mains, its like you went after the family pet lmao.

    Tbh, I dont care about the perk. It can be annoying when legit its the first hit I've taken all match and then I just get camped out, which has happened more times than I would like. You feel cheated, but so is the game, right?

    Funny thing is it sorta got an indirect buff with Boon Totems, as surv side doesnt cleanse as much, unless a swf group.

    Again though, I am.whatever about it, its just fun to watch the community melt down over a bad perk for bad killers. I never waste a perk slot on it personally.

  14. Noed is a valid perk for killers getting started with the game. Survivors have starter perks to help them with their objectives as well. I dont use noed myself, but weaker killers from the roster may need it. Now, my opinion on noed is that noed should have never been a hex perk to begin with. Noed should be activated after the last gen pops for 180 seconds. Killers won't have to worry about it getting snuffed out after 35 seconds minium, survivors wouldn't worry about having to never find it or wasting a perk slot to help find it. This is probably the most reasonable route that this perk can take. My idea is not to nerf it, not to buff it, but find a middle ground with it.

  15. Here's the problem with this. Noed is basically the killers equivalent of second chance perks and can be easily countered. All survivors need to do is clense totems. Meanwhile the survivor perks like dead hard and ds can't be easily countered. Either you swing and they dead hard or you don't and they still dead hard to a pallet. Chasing someone that got off a hook for 15 seconds and they jump into a locker to force a grab? Nothing you can do about it as killer. I don't see the point in removing or changing noed when survivors gave an these perks items and add-ons to win the game with.

  16. Just do bones, they usually have a way to spawn four on each corner most of the time for me if you have a frequent problem with noed you will be scared into mass cleansing

  17. No-Ed suggestion change (it’s a lot):

    Every time a survivor is hooked for the first time the perk gains a stack. Every stack increases killer speed by 3.5%! (Max of 14% increased killer speed) applied after all gens have been repaired

    If a survivor dies before all gens are completed, one token is removed.

    All survivors are exposed until the first survivor is downed. After the first survivor is put into the dying state, exposed status effect is off.

    For every survivor hooked after the gens are done, killer speed is reduced by 10%.

    No longer a Hex. Discourages tunneling/camping. Used as a last ditch effort to AT MOST get a 1-2 kill in a game. Can’t be used to slug all 4 survivors efficiently, even with speed.

  18. Huh, what about perks that can track totems? In my opinion it's fair, as it's a killer's 2nd chance perk. And survivors will always and I mean always used 2nd chance perks to win. I kinda disagree with your changes on noed.


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