Nurse can't use this perk, HOWEVER… | Dead by Daylight

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“Friends ’til the End” is exactly the type of perk that would have been extremely overpowered on Nurse before the nerf that made her blink attacks incapable of applying instadowns. But in this video we’ll find another way of making this perk work in a similar fashion!

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49 thoughts on “Nurse can't use this perk, HOWEVER… | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Otz, did i verse you last night cuz i went against a hag with this exact same build on Ormond ! I had a couple jumpscares cuz of the manually transporting to any trap 🫠

  2. The nurse has always been my absolute favorite killer to face and now that she can't use exposed perks I don't know if they will ever make a killer that is more fun to play against. I have never felt that the nurse didn't deserve the hit she landed on me and every time she misses I nearly fire out of my seat in excitement. I am so glad to know that when I play against my favourite killer that my most hated perk wont touch me lol.

  3. Distortion and calm spirit aren’t that overpowered. If anything add tokens to calm spirit like distortion has. Also if you’re running perks that don’t make survivors scream or running an aura build those 2 perks do literally nothing for the survivor.

  4. Personally, I have been using Friends Till The End on Nurse, simply for the aura reading it gives you to see the survivor. Plus, I have seen several survivors blunder and do something stupid out of panic due to being exposed.

  5. tbh i run friend till the end on nurse, if i don't hook the obsession i see them and i can instantly go to them or make them panic and enter a locker, if i hook the obsession another survivor screams and most likely Deadman's switch activates

  6. friends til the end turns my little bitch build of calm spirit distortion into a guilty pleasure as i eat up that friends til the end procs essentially wasting an entire killer perk while everyone else is safer from it (yes i unironically run calm spirit, i fucking hate doctors and now screaming from many perks)

  7. I'm not quite halfway thru the video, so idk if the wonderful Otz mentions this or not:

    But, pro-tip for survivors dealing with Friends Til The End (particularly at average MMR like me), if someone goes down and you're the obsession, you can avoid the aura read by pre-emptively getting into a locker before the other survivor is hooked and waiting until your exposed is about halfway thru.

    TY for the fun videos Otz!!

  8. I’m a brand new player, been playing for about 100 hours. I just hit Iri 1 a few days ago (which I know doesn’t mean much) for the first time playing hag! I’ve learned so much about the game thanks to Otz and other content creators. Thank you! 🙏🏾

  9. I’ve been doing a similar build but with Skull Merchant and Furtive Chase. FTTE and FC are a combo made in heaven on Skull Merchant, don’t even have to run monitor to completely mess with people’s sense of where you are due to the drones giving stealth, hooking the obsession, and just being a fiend in loops.
    Current version of the build is more of a comfort one, but Dead locked, lethal, friends, and chase is what I’ve been seeing a lot of success with as of recent.


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