nurse deserves the range hate (from a nurse main) / dead by daylight chapter update

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I’ve been wanting to make this video for a few weeks, and I finally put it all together just in time for the (likely?) update on Tuesday. I would love to know your thoughts & have a healthy conversation. Thank you so much for watching & I’ll see you guys on MidChapter Drop !

I would love to know if you guys would like more of these kinds of videos!


30 thoughts on “nurse deserves the range hate (from a nurse main) / dead by daylight chapter update”

  1. Billy I don’t think is over nerfed. I think he’s very fair. I got DCs using his addon that doesn’t even down with the chainsaw. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  2. Playing the new update as survivor- and it feels like dog doodoo. I need to try killer but I am going to wait till later in the day to see if the BP bonus fluctuates to killer at night.

  3. I had a longer break from DbD workrelated and came back a few weeks ago. I must say, I get a lot of nurse games. I dont really mind playing against her, its just if a other suvivor is downed in the first 20 sec of the game, you can garantie there will be DCs. And that makes the game really unfun for the other suvivors (I ONLY play solo q :/ ) and with the nerf of a lot of my go to perks like spine and iron will – it will become so much harder to play against her in soloq 🙁

  4. Great video! Can't agree more on that besides Billy. Billy is fine and just extremely hard to get good at. Probably the hardest killer to pick up and master.

  5. so…nurse has been "different" and not really followed the rules of the game since release. (ignores pallets, blinks through objects etc.) No matter what is done to nurse outside of completely changing her power that will ever make nurse feel like a normal "fair " killer. There are so many other things within this game that we can place our attention on that could be improved, "changed". That in my opinion are far more pressing. They literally gutted her from what she was 2 years ago. Nurse is one of the coolest most unique killers in this game. She's a killer that when you put the time into her rewards you. The only thing I will add into this conversation that even speaks on such a thing as changing nurse would be when they originally nerfed her 2 years ago they could have NOT TOUCHED HER BASE KIT( which we all literally begged and pleaded for) not added the stupid cool down on blinks and tweaked the range add ons a bit. They could still do that and I think the majority of people who play her would be ok with it. Revert base kit changes( the horrible cooldown feature that we have finally acclimated to) and adjust the range add ons a bit to compensate with balance. I have had a lot of passion for this game starting with survivor in 2017 which btw was a whole hell of a lot more fun back then. Then I kind of lost interest in survivor because every other week they were changing things that didn't need changed so I started playing killer ended up resonating with nurse. Started playing her and guess what they nerfed her, now people want to nerf her again?…This game isn't an e sports game why must we continue treating it that way? I really truly hope they have some integrity with their decisions with this killer through this small little "whine" people are making and for once place their energy on something useful. Not pamper the people who play the game that want a free escape/chance to bag at the gate every match. I apologize for the novel been bottling that up for a bit lmfao

  6. I’d rather cooldown add-ons regardless if I were to even use any because typically I don’t. I hate the idea of having to use add-ons to make your killer have a chance at competing in SBMM, although Nurse doesn’t unlike maybe Spirit or any M1 killer.

  7. I will be honest with you, as a fellow Nurse main. She needs a major rework, not a nerf.

    Basically, she would look like this:
    – 32 meters terror radius
    – 4.4 m/s
    – Power: Hold M2 to charge a blink. This action cannot be cancelled and you are slowed while charged a blink. Upon releasing the button, blink forward in the direction you are facing. You are given a 1.5 seconds window to land an attack, during which, you are slowed by 95%. After the window ends, enter the Fatigued state for 2 seconds. Failing a basic attack, increases the fatigue duration by 0.5 seconds. Hitting a basic attack, increases the fatigue duration by 1 second and disabled your ability to blink for 30 seconds. This ability has a cooldown of 15 seconds. The maximum blink range is 32 meters. The longer the button is held, the further you blink, reaching 32 meters after 3 seconds of charging. You only have one blink at a time.

    Here's why:

    – The blink can be used to counter loops, as finisher moves and for map travel. This nerfs her from her current strength, while still making her powerful.

    – This change will increase the skill cap for blink hits.

    – This would give the survivors a chance to come back, while not rewarding a very skilled nurse.

    – Common: Reduces the cooldown of blink by 1 second.
    – Common: Increases the range of your blink by 5%. Increases the maximum charge time of your blink by 5%.
    – Common: Decreases the duration of fatigue by 10%.
    – Common: Increases the duration blink attack window by 10%.
    – Uncommon: Reduces the cooldown of blink by 2 seconds.
    – Uncommon: Increases the range of your blink by 10%. Increases the maximum charge time of your blink by 10%.
    – Uncommon: Decreases the duration of fatigue by 20%.
    – Uncommon: Increases the duration blink attack window by 20%.
    – Uncommon: Hitting a survivor using a blink attack, instantly downs them. Increases the cooldown of your blink after hitting a survivor to 60 seconds. Increases the base cooldown of your blink by 100%.
    – Rare: Reduces the cooldown of blink by 3 seconds.
    – Rare: Increases the range of your blink by 15%. Increases the maximum charge time of your blink by 15%.
    – Rare: Decreases the duration of fatigue by 30%.
    – Rare: Increases the duration blink attack window by 30%.
    – Rare: Upon exiting fatigue, see the aura of all survivors within 16 meters of you for 5 seconds.
    – Very Rare: Reduces the cooldown of blink by 5 seconds.
    – Very Rare: Increases the range of your blink by 20%. Increases the maximum charge time of your blink by 20%.
    – Very Rare: Decreases the duration of fatigue by 40%.

    – Very Rare: Increases the duration blink attack window by 40%.
    – Ultra Rare: Receive one additional blink. Using the second blink during the blink attack window increases the fatigue duration by 1 second.

    – Ultra Rare: Increases your movement speed to 4.6 m/s.

  8. Issue is however the 3-Blink Grab Achievement.
    However, Special Attacks aren't possible to do grabs with.
    So it would have to be on constant coin-flip in order to preserve Achievement.
    But then, people would do 2 Blinks and spam 3rd one to get Exposed hits.

    Difficult to tackle.

    I think their reasoning as to why Nurse's range add-ons are working as intended is because of "maximum Blink traversing duration" which is capped at 2.5s. Reason as to why it exists is probably due to "Blink down to Blink in place" mechanic she has. Probably a way to change range add-ons is to maybe add negative speed modifier to it… Maybe. Or maybe make it affect Nurse's speed when holding a Blink. Moving faster would overall mean extra range but it wouldn't affect anything about her like Blink duration or indirectly affecting speed.

  9. "Make some noise and they will listen" – what? really? did she just actually said that? how? what? wtf? really? bruh! now that's a fog whisperer sentence if I have ever heard one. lmao? what? seriously? bruh!

  10. I agree with basically everything here.
    I do think Nurse needs either a nerf or a rework. I am a fan of the rework idea and i'll tell you why:
    Dead By Daylight has no business being such a competitive game that requires as much skill as a top tier Nurse. This is a 1v4 hide and seek horror game, it's supposed to be fun and scary! not some First Person Shooter level shit!!
    Killers should be unique, yes, but the skill ceiling should NOT vary this much and the ammount of power should also NOT vary this much.
    The Nurse, as well as other killers, should be less OP and easier to play. This game has NO business requiring thousands of hours to get good at anything.
    All killers should be leveled to an average, from The Nurse to The trapper. They should all feel nice to play as but not OP.
    That being said, it's all easier said than done, but i believe that's because of the mess they made this game into :v they ignored that they needed to rework many things for FAR TOO LONG.
    Anyway that's my opinion about the Nurse and about the game! i think it would feel nice if The Nurse was easier to play and also less OP honestly, no need for extremely hard to master and OP killers.

  11. I disagree, Nurse is one of the hardest killers to master (If not the hardest) and needs lots of time and investment. If you play godly on Nurse you deserve it, you got over 3k hours. People complain too much in this game for no reason.

  12. Im not a nurse main but i use her often, i didnt know about the discussion about her add ons being too op, if the range addons is what they're complaining about im fine with it being removed, i've played games without using it and i always did fine. Honestly didnt even feel like she needed the range addons to start with.

  13. I know it's asking too much, but killer perks should balance depending on the killer. A gift of pain thana dying light sloppy nurse is on a different league than a trapper with the same build.

  14. Ok, I loved this – thank you for explaining this to a non-nurse player in a way that makes me understand why versing nurses recently felt so punishing, even if I thought I played well. And no hate to nurse mains, but every killer feels very punishing now, mainly because fellow survivors are dc'ing or killing themselves in the first 60 seconds of the game, which is, well, not great. I think those changes would be fair, but it's also encouraged me to pick her up and try to learn her again, not because her addons are strong, but because she seems more user friendly. <3

  15. I've run into a nurse who looked like you, it wasn't. They decided to tunnel me at 5 gens, it was so quick to get knocked all those times and the endurance status effect didn't help. Thanks to one of the best Nurse mains out there, requesting a nerf to their Main and requesting Ideas, The true Gigachad.

  16. Nurse is so good I feel like she is only fun to go against only when the nurse is going easy or is unskilled. I’ve been against nurses in soloQ running 2-3 slowdown perks and it’s miserable.

    At least if I’m going against a Clown or Trapper I know they need the extra slowdown to compete, but why would even fairly decent nurse players feel the need to run multiple slowdown perks?

  17. Whether she’s a problem or not she definitely needs a nerf. As a solo I will always t pose and off myself on first hook if there’s a nurse and I urge all other solo’s to do it as well. Eventually they will nerf her.


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