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I'm not convinced either, the "dredge" is what we call the coating for fried chicken, or some other weird boating term, I don't think the devs would have come up with such a weird name for it
Overzealous discourages killers that camp no matter what, but encourages killers that want to play the game in a fun way to camp.
The design looks bad for both characters.
overzealous is definitly a plaster fix for the boon boom.
I also think that a lot of sabotage/ swf bully sqads will equip residual manifest. Complete Blindess on the Killer? Bonkers! Doesn't that mean that they can't see exit gates, gens, survivor auras, hooks, totems? Imagine getting blinded by one survivor and then trying to hook them whilst people body block and sabo hooks… imagine being a killer with little experience relying on these visual information
I've said this elsewhere but…I KNOW I have seen that killer before. I remember that head, neck, and mouth/teeth combo from SOMETHING. I just can't figure out where from. I definitely recognize it.
The dredgina
Don't forget on Dissolution it says when "a" survivor vaults within your TR after injuring a survivor. This means it doesn't need to be the actual survivor you injured, any survivor.
Wtf is this shit 😂🤣🤣🤣
New survivor is a teacher with the alphabet mafia XD
Killer looks pretty lame. If its real… Oh well
If the blindness effect on killer makes it so that they can’t see scratch marks that would be a pretty strong perk👀
Ooo if and only if this is real. The third perk is gonna be a god send for trickster and huntress. It’s gonna make an Iron Maiden. BBQ, darkness reveal, and no way out build for me cuz I like aura reading on these genuine hiding ass survivors lol. I much rather chase someone on a loop than try to look around every back wall and H and L walls on the edge of the map.
Gen speed perk needs to go
I wonder if they're gonna add more lockers to swamp, also the dredge seems like a better Onryo in every way
Am I really the only one who sees that this is a persona 5 crossover:
This is 1000% real those weak perks give it away
This sounds like the devs are trying to cover up the bug where as killer if you hit a survivor the brightness of the game gets darker.
The killer mouth probably a realistic representation of JLO’s snatch 😆😂😂
I hope it's fake cause we don't need another teleporting killer, we already have like 500 thousand of them. Nurse,hag,freddy,demo,ringu, pinhead and now Mr.ballsack. Was there nothing else for them to make as a killer?????? Like out of the countless possibilities of creative killer design in a horror game they always go with the same thing over and over. Mobility or anti-loop, I know it's the core fundamentals of the game but come on you seriously couldn't think of anything else? Boring, just boring.
The pallet one will definitely be useful on pallet dense maps such as the game or when a survivor you injured can’t safely leave the loop and the counter play would be playing for the stun and potentially punish pre dropping which would nice
soo we may be getting Neas mother? .. i mean .. just look at her o.o
Let me guess. This new survivor will be nonbinary… 🙄
I’ll believe it when I see it
This killer reminds me of the creature from “The Thing” which would be a really cool killer to add. Imagine if the thing could appear as another survivor and pretend to perform survivor actions. It would be difficult to add Chucky, but that would also be a cool killer to add.
Seems like it could be real, killer looks cool and has a neat power that likely won't be super strong we'll have to see. Dissolution seems the best I like the killer perks for what they are but I don't like the survivor perks. If you want more survivor perks that make for even faster gens then maybe we should get scourge on every hook.
I think power, killer and survivor are real but the perk are fake.
The perks for the survivor seem to be aimed at solo players to help them with awareness and information as well as generally helping the team with a clear objective (totem cleansing) to do gens faster.
If only Jason was allowed to be in this. They need to release the rights.
New survivor has some cake. Watch out Jane you got competition
thats just stolen from dota 2 hero Ember Spirit