NURSE VS RPD ft. 1,000,000 SECOND CHANCES! – Dead by Daylight!

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8 thoughts on “NURSE VS RPD ft. 1,000,000 SECOND CHANCES! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. Gen grabs are buggy as hell now. I have also noticed that grabbing off hook is pretty much an impossibility now as well. Had a game where I was 2 inches directly behind them and I still just wacked em

  2. Why is that whenever I watch Tru3 play Nurse, the survivors he goes against will double back, pretend to double back, pretend to bait the fake double back, go around a corner, pretend to go around the corner etc. And have overall tricky movement, and whenever I watch Otzdarva, another popular streamer, the survivors literally move forward and that's it, they don't try to break line of sight, they don't try to have tricky movement, nothing but holding W in a direction and hoping the Nurse messes up

    I'm not trying to start shit as I'm genuinely curious, both streamers have similar amount of hours (around 7k both), so why are one's survivor 10x easier to play against than the other's?

  3. With how many baseline second chances survivors get I'm surprised anyone plays killer like they're practically immune to grabs, the pallet and dead hard validation (buffs) make it where when they make a mistake they're rewarded and not only all that they're also immune to damage while being unhooked and for about a second after

  4. I think a good way to balance this out is nerf dead hard more and increase the time it takes for exhaustion perks to recover.
    Decrease the time of borrow time more and decisive strike.
    Decrease the amount of times a survivor can jump through a window by 2.
    Nerf flashlights by getting rid of op add ons like odd bulb and intense halogen.
    Decrease the amount of god pallets on maps.
    Make it so only one person can work on a generator at a time.
    I think thanaphobia should be a built in thing for killers. But it only activates on last two or one gen. It not only effects the time a generator gets repaired it also effects the time survivors open exit gates.
    Improve hex placements for killers.
    Add more darkness to the game.
    Buff killers with no map pressure.


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