OBSERVABLE HAG PLAY! – Dead by Daylight!

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12 thoughts on “OBSERVABLE HAG PLAY! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. haven't played against a hag in months now, can't say i don't miss her….
    And whenever i play her, I ALWAYS get a red forest map….or if i'm lucky, it's ormond.

  2. Sometimes it seems like solo-queue teammates have some kind of quota for going down. There's those times where it feels out of the realm of random chance that a particular Survivor is hitting this many traps or taking bad routing. It's actually impressive when people pick statistically worse than 50/50 on their guesses.

  3. also , in regards to killer tiers, all killers are at least b tier vs most solo groups, yes even trickster and clown and trapper.

    It's the reason i don't play spirit(easy 4k against solo's unless you are somehow bad with her), as i can't tell who's a 3-4 man before a game begings(in most cases), and also why i hate playing against spirit, for the reason i listed above.

    The only killers i refuse to pay are spirit, and freddy.
    Killer i don't play(because i'm on console) are deathslinger, huntress, and trickster(somewhat, if i spam enough, i get them eventually, but thats not skill, just spam).

    That's my rambling for this video.

  4. Didn’t happen in this case, but I’ve had several times now where I completely fill the struggle bar and I still get hooked. And I’m not talking about like it’s a reoccurring thing, I’m not saying there’s some bug that needs to be fixed. It just seems a bit odd when the killer comes from behind or side of the hook and the hooking animation teleports him in front of the hook, whereas realistically he should’ve taken at least one more step and turn.

  5. This shows how random games/numbers can be. This hag really wasn't a good/experiencd hag player. She didn't prep the map at all and straight chased True which cost her a lot time at the beginning. She was lucky the other fucked up so badly.

  6. i dont trap hooks as hag and manage to do really well… it's too predictable at this point and people (ought to ) expect it… i switch it up and it's way more fun to play


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