Old Dead Hard Really Was An Issue.. – Dead by Daylight

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In today’s Dead by Daylight video I’ll be showing off once-again the pre-nerf Dead-Hard from a couple of updates ago. Let me know what you guys think compared to the new version in the comments below!

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Outro Music by Kalaido:

Thank you guys for watching 🙂


20 thoughts on “Old Dead Hard Really Was An Issue.. – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Dead Hard has always been the strongest perk in the game imo since the nerf to Decisive Strike that made it only work immediately for the obsession (and its subsequent nerfs). DS was still annoying until it was gutted, but it was never as strong or as problematic as Dead Hard.

  2. miss the small boost it gave since it made interactions more dynamic and interesting if you knew what you were doing.the new deadhard is boring for me since it just tank the hit and hold W now and jts also more inconsistentbecause of a small window frame and input delays etc. I wish the old deadhard gets brought back through either a different perk or it just gets reworked again.

  3. DH is much more balanced now. Could use a bit of fixing tho, maybe a quicker activation with the new animation (whenever that happens) and the time could be a little longer.

  4. Honestly new dh is better at pallets now than the previous one. Used to only be able to take a loop around a pallet three times before dropping it if you loop it right. Now with the same tactic you can loop the same pallet 6 times cause dh gives you that extra heath state technically to do it again. I will say that they need to take that stupid animation away and leave it a 50/50 for killer. Cause honestly with all the buffs they’ve given killer this patch. They can deal with not knowing if you used it or not

  5. while it was needed and i’m glad it happened part of me miss using it cause it was fun but it was rightfully nerfed

    also can we get 1 second of endurance for new dh cause as good as .5 is it could be longer 🙂


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