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Edited by NOOT NOOT
== F.A.Q ==
My Character’s Fan Art
My Streaming Gear
Who is the blue hair girl?
My Intro Song – Aests – FIGHT!
My Outro Song – Watchy
Keep up the great work, my man Jaee.. Love you and your content as well, hugs and kisses from Argentina ❤️
good luck in ur healing process jaee much love to u and noot <3
Still move powerful than half the of the killers with a full build.
Another 🔥 vid
0 dislikes poggers
Thank you for your great videos!!
Jaee love your videos and wish I could make it to the streams. I was wondering if you could help me . So I was thinking about buying clown since I suck at countering loops thoughts? BTW I am around rank 11 if that matters.
hi jaee, im going to join your chat one day but i just don't know when your live 🙁
Seroius, question, was your name JaeRoar before Jaee, or am I tripping, I'm sorry I'm not Og <3
I hope you are having a wonderful day Jaee
Jaeee can you buy dbd for me so I can get into a lobby with u
You sound different…
Your monitor so dark…. please up brigness…
Congrats on 100k!!!
Ahhh yes a new vid to start off my work shift
glad your surgery went well
Jae is love jae is life but most importantly jae is that duck
New Mic?
You're freaking awesome Jaee. Keep doing you
Where you get all this killers and survs thumbnails pictures?
100k subs mane!!!!
who's here before 100k?
What does surge do?
Rats rats we are the rats
i love seeing 0 dislikes
Question did you get a new mic because you sound much cleaner and way more clear
I feel like spirit is an incredibly hard killer at first. Then once you learn the basics she becomes extremely easy. I also feel like spirit is a killer everyone should learn how to play because she teaches you how to track survivors without having vision. As a normal killer you aren't going to be keeping an ear out and focusing on things like grass moving. I've caught so many people urban evading around me because I see them move grass or hear them.
Boring, I get it you are really good so it is hard to find equally good survivors but most of these matches were boring and one sided
Jaee imma give you a kiss instead for being an amazing person <33
Recently found your Channel since I’ve binged most of Otz’s videos and N00b doesn’t upload anymore, definitely glad I found your channel. I always look forward to the uploads and you’re so nice to the community, easily one of my favorite content creators now. ❤️
Look at how bad his chat wants him to tunnel
Spirit be like D:<
Jaee be honest, you can do the Gene Simmons tongue trick now can't you?
Come on guys let’s get these 3k likes
Spirit only took me a month to learn
Hag is a baddie 😩
Jae you da goat mi hermano
stridor spirit = no counter play >:C
Poopsner is the same guy in nuts chats