Dead By Daylight Key & Hatch Nerfs, Plague Buffs, Deathslinger Nerfs, Boon Totems, Perk Changes!

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Dead By Daylight Hatch & Key Nerfs, Plague Buffs, Deathslinger Nerfs, Boon Totems, Perk Changes, Add-On Changes and more!
0:00 – Intro
0:31 – Deathslinger Changes
1:40 – Plague Changes
3:18 – Survivor Item Add-On Updates
3:58 – Perk Changes
5:31 – Hatch & Key Changes
6:28 – Boon Totems
7:45 – Add-On Changes (Sneak Peak)
8:30 – Dev Announcement
8:49 – Recap / Final Thoughts
10:18 – Release Date
10:30 – Outro
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46 thoughts on “Dead By Daylight Key & Hatch Nerfs, Plague Buffs, Deathslinger Nerfs, Boon Totems, Perk Changes!”

  1. I'm interested in the Deathslinger changes. I feel like they will make him more fun to play against, but make significantly worse to the point where you really might as well play Huntress or Trickster.

  2. so you're going to get the deathslinger a character who's already out match by the huntress so then you're going to take away his ability to quit shoot and that cool interesting tactic about using perks to lower the Terror radius so you can shoot a Survivor by surprise the only two things that the huntress doesn't have that you can only do with the deathslinger.
    so tell me what effects do you think this is going to have do you think that's going to make people play him more you think that's going to make him more interesting?

    I'm also really salty because this is something I really wanted to try at least once and I've been playing this game for so many hours but I have like zero perks on any of the killers because stupid me purchased all of the killers and got them all to level 50 making it impossible for me to get enough perks to make a build of any kind and the ones I do are all at level 1

    and no I do not care about the new survivor because it is just a reskin of every single other Survivor

    however if she does come into the game with new playing mechanics I might be interested again. in the mechanics not her

    sorry if I've seemed really harsh or mean but I'm really frustrated with all the directions this game is going so the only thing I can do is make my distress is known in the hopes of change and to see if other people agree with me cuz I do still love this game and hope for the best but recently I've been having longer and longer gaps of not playing this game and I don't want dead-by-daylight to be the next OverWatch for me.

  3. Im so excited for the Pig changes and its a great coincidence I've been practicing with her lately(: I wonder if the reworked ultra rare means you won't have any traps in your inventory at all

  4. I feel like they should have changed Hatch to only spawn once all generators are done, OR until only one survivor remains. Now there's no goalpost when there's 2 survivors left and they can't make gen progress.

  5. When are they going to fix the generator times and key nerfs I watched a twitch streamer the other day start a mach and within a 1:40 seconds 3 seconds start dude was just getting into his first chase it's a problem that gens fly that fast

  6. unfortunately when killers complain so much about hatches and keys to the point where they gut them. now killers can camp the hatch. and both exits when theres 1 survivor left. if they know where its at before you

  7. Стрелка просто убили, убили его главную фишку, а фишка у него была стрелять спонтанно как ковбой, террор был маленький, что позволяло внезапно выходить из за угла и стрелять в сурвов, сейчас даже сурва через щель не выстрелить в тайминг, так как будет задержка в прицеливании. Когда же до разрабов дойдёт что это не маньяки сильные, а игроки, мне всякие стрелки попадались и сильные и слабые, и против них было интересно играть, а сейчас стрелок в прямом смысле слова станет косым и не мощным, его будут переигрывать всё, даже рандомы, в кукурузе он тем более не сможет попасть.

    Лучше бы генраш нерфили и баффали порчу, а то только катка начинается и тотем ломают, добавьте возможность востонавливать порчу.

    Бафните Пинхеда наконец, чтобы сурвы не видели шкатулку в радиусе 16 метров, уберите красный аддон на шкатулку и сделайте еë по умолчанию. Почему сурвы в начале катки видят шкатулку через всю карту? Это не имба ли? Пускай они еë не будут видеть только в определеном метре, чтобы охота их хоть как-то нагибала. Усильте цепи, чтобы они держали сурва по дольше, а то не успеваешь подойти к сурву, он уже от цепей от цепляется, и убегает, какой смысл тогда от них?

    Прощай стрелок, привет трюкач

  8. That hatch change is dumb af keys are there to open things now how often do u get value of it ? Maybe in 1 of 100 games (if u run a key) now it's more of an aura reading item so might as well change it to something more fitting cuz a key should be mainly for opening something or they should at least make that breakable walls are insecure doors and u can open them as a survivor with the key and when the killer comes u can close it and lock so he has to break it gives it a horror movie vibe

  9. I really feel like Deathslinger was in a fine spot. I'd even say he could handle a small buff but he didn't need to be nerfed. I was really looking forward to trying him…now I'm not sure. Poor guy. I'm extremely happy that Plague is getting some love. Love the hatch/key changes. Would like to see keys usage be something that is earned rather than just an automatic use.


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