Otz's Killer Tier List 5.3.0 | Dead by Daylight

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This is a really difficult one to make, but I did my best! Background footage mostly taken from my stream playing with random perks, don’t mind it too much.

Killer Portrait art from: https://twitter.com/hunnybe4r

0:00:00 Intro
0:05:18 The Nurse
0:08:05 The Blight
0:11:49 The Spirit
0:17:27 The Hag
0:23:34 The Oni
0:27:32 The Huntress
0:30:18 The Plague
0:36:07 The Executioner
0:40:47 The Twins
0:48:34 The Cannibal
0:53:20 The Nemesis
1:00:27 The Cenobite
1:09:56 The Demogorgon
1:13:23 The Deathslinger
1:20:18 The Hillbilly
1:25:30 The Trickster
1:33:10 The Wraith
1:40:11 The Doctor
1:46:11 The Legion
1:53:12 The Ghostface
1:59:25 The Nightmare
2:05:39 The Clown
2:11:12 The Pig
2:17:12 The Trapper
2:24:14 The Shape

Watch live: https://www.twitch.tv/Otzdarva
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Thumbnail 3D render by the lovely Ev3ntic:


29 thoughts on “Otz's Killer Tier List 5.3.0 | Dead by Daylight”

  1. The only change I could make would be swapping Freddy and Ghostie, I just personally find Freddy to have better utility and map pressure but they're super close. This isn't saying much since they're already next to one another on the list x) incredible vid and got me though a rough night where I was super ill and couldn't sleep, thank you Otz 💙

  2. I feel like Trapper's requirement to collect and also set up all of his traps is just really rough when it comes down to how this game is played.
    I kinda wish he had like, Jedi force powers and could telekinetically collect and place his traps from a distance of about 10m.
    Through walls, without locking his camera or movement for the duration of either one, just, let ya boi roam fast far and free.

  3. For me Nemesis' hitbox is the most infuriating that exists in this game.
    I only played him once in the PTB (I don't like loud killers) so maybe it is because I don't understand how that hitbox works.
    But literally getting hit through walls with 30ms ping when the tenticle hits 3m away on your screen…. Yeah.
    I also don't understand why the pallet break isn't preferred to hitting the survivor. I have the feeling I have nothing to use against him except jukes.

  4. This channel used to be good but now its mostly opinion videos and shorts, not to mention the growing killer bias, very sad to see good channels go down the toilet

  5. I don't agree with all the choices but at the same time I'm nowhere near as good nor do I have nearly the same playtime as you. I can destroy a nurse with a hundred hours and get my ass handed to me by a Myers with thousands of hours. I think experience is the most important factor when it comes to the strength of a killer. But that's what happens with any competitive game. Either way I really enjoyed the video, actually watched it twice, first time I fell asleep (yes I do use your videos to fall asleep, your voice is really relaxing)

  6. freddy behind ghostface and all lmao what is this tier list? Low mmr tier list or what?
    I'm ok that his add ons are shit and his power is not that good now, but his ability to teleport makes him FAR more better than most of the killers you put in front of him, come on man.

  7. I mean … Pig for sure against good teams its D tier, BUT i strongly disagree on the "nerf" on "Headpop Piggy", specially when we talk about someone taking of the RBTs with 15~17s(1st box), its too much RNG to capitalize on that, you need to strongly force them to make a mistake on the RBTs and not "rushing" any gen to MAYBE get one headpop … i got a game when after i put my last RBT the last gen popped and i was like: "ok, atleast this little dude i got it". The whole team went to the save they got 3 DS, 3 Unbreak, 2 SG and the RBT guy got the hatch, i was about to throw my PC out the window, seriously, that's fcking annyong when u hav to slug, deal with perks, be aware of the hatch and still capitalize some kill. Remove the AddOn that increases her crouch speed, make it baseline(3.8m/s top), make that ANY interaction on the game will start your trap not only gen, if "headpop" gonna go make box less RNG – something around 1st box 10% chance, 2nd box 30% chance, 3rd box 50% chance, 4th box 70% chance and last box 100%(with the extra box addon). I got games when i had to place some RBTs to atleast start some pressure, Steve with an inactive RBT search all boxes to know which one was the last one that he needed, doing all other actions, saving, switching hooks, DS, unbreak and THEN one gen activated his trap … u know the rest of the story. If BHVR wants to buff her crouch atleast remove the 1.4s setup speed to something like 0.6s or 0.5s and heart beat 4s to 2s or even 1s. Just this last change could make her ALOT better, they NEED to either set her to a STEALTH killer or a SETUP(RBTs reliant – and than RBTs need to be an actual threat). For me they can do both and do it well, idk how they'r on schedule but they need to do something with her ASAP.(Myers, Freddy and Ghostface too – since they'r licensed killers)

  8. I actually agree with the list completely. I'm thankful for the recent buffs like with trapper, necessary nerfs to both spirit AND deaths linger, I don't believe in the wraith buff lol but whatever. I do like to point out tho with certain perks both the pig AND hillbilly can most certainly rank higher. NOED. NOED is that fun little perk that punishes the gen rushing deal and 99.9% of the time adds 1+ to your kill count of the match. The PIG has the ambush which doesn't work on some loops yes but I have seen and completed myself predicted slow vaults and small loops ending in a vast amount of successful ambushes. The Hillbilly while misunderstood is very potent. My best killer hands down with a 3+ kill every game. (Hatch, barely opening the gates then dead harding) I M1 most of the time. I only use chainsaw mostly for cornering, swift pallet breaks, and outstretched corridors/ funnel areas. The cool down, the overheating and potential bumping* is too hindering. 3, arguably 5 add ons that actually help, I find my success in playing defensively, always* injuring, going for 99.9% insta downs, the very THREAT of the insta down resulting in survivors abandoning the gen early than desired ( Bubba clearly shares this trait) and yea. My perks are always: Lightborn for flashlights/ franklins for rest of items, ruin to slow, NOED to punish the hasty little buggers, and No way out/ undying for ruin. Ofcourse I can swing that chainsaw but add all that time…it's devastating. I play around it. The chainsaw is really a tool that you use sometimes*.. it certainly isn't always needed or worth the risk. That's why it's so powerful. I've a video I uploaded. Was even on Ormond 😄. I successful beat * with alot of skill on both sides * a SWF team of 3+. Despite an outdoor map even, little chainsawing…alot of M1ing. What ya think? I wasn't shooting high than realistically is, but I'd up the HillBULLY to B


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