PART 5 – 18 More Minutes of Streamers Suffering with MMR in Dead by Daylight | DBD

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DBD Streamers showing their overwhelming joy for the indefinitely added SBMM system with some meta coffee talk.

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Streamer Chapters:

00:00 Intro
01:20 TrU3Ta1ent
04:56 Ayrun
12:45 hexy
16:54 DOWSEY

Music used : ” HORROR THEME ” composed and produced by “Vivek Abhishek”
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36 thoughts on “PART 5 – 18 More Minutes of Streamers Suffering with MMR in Dead by Daylight | DBD”

  1. At this point I’m just kinda burnt out. There’s always SOMETHING to bitch about and not once in the past 5 years has the community ever been truly satisfied with the games direction or development for more than 5 minutes. Even without SBMM people would still be complaining just as loudly about one of the countless other issues this game suffers from. What’s the point of this? The devs have tuned us out by this point and for all the bitching most of us still haven’t quit. It doesn’t even feel constructive at this point, it’s just bitching and moaning for the sake of some brief emotional catharsis. We aren’t getting anywhere with this and at the rate things are going we never will. Hopefully the devs eventually address this and improve it, but even when they do the community will still be acting like nothing has changed or find a new thing to complain about. It’s like watching the most boring and cynical Groundhog Day loop on repeat.

  2. What the fuck is Ayrun on? I want what he is smoking cause jesus the mental gymnastics it takes to say killers need nerf when its the perks that make the killers "OP" and then runs those overused meta perks, lmao, why not just make gens slower prog speed? I literally have not heard a good argument against it yet except "Ah, it'll be boring then" subjective garbage like that.

  3. Ayrun is somewhat right and wrong. He only talked about killer stuff being strong. I’d be perfectly ok if they nerfed Ruin and anything on the killer side that feels extremely strong as long as they did the same to the survivors. Ayrun talking about killers not having skill because of perks but he almost always has dead hard on. They need to nerf the strong and annoying stuff on both sides. It’s so hard to enjoy content creators that play dbd because almost all of them are one sided.

  4. Ayrun has interesting thoughts but Ruin is honestly a gamble perk, there's a reason it's a Hex. It's either up for 5 seconds total or the entire game, never in between. Ruin gets nerfed anymore and it wouldn't be worry of being a Hex.

  5. SBMM maybe a problems of this game, but the main problem is that some of the killers can't do anything to stop the gens repair speed against sweaty survivors team in high level. Devs only use the bad players data to balance this game, this is a bad ideas. SBMM just put the sweaty survivor together to catch some sweaty killer( the old systems is better and using the points to calculate the level) , it look same system in 2-3 years ago.

  6. I can't stand Ayrun acting like his survivor favoured ass knows anything about the games balance with ruin especially… If you know the numbers of the regression to progression on a gen, you'd know that ruin is balanced asf rn and makes the game more interesting as the killer doesn't have to tunnel so hard as they aren't as worried about gens getting done instantly if they're pushing people off gens (as a good killer should)… I'm convinced they balance for just survivors at this point.

  7. The clip you have of Ayrun is painful to listen to. He speaks like a typical survivor main and BHVR sycophant. No, the devs don't nerf off of win percentage because at high ranks Freddy (his example) was not performing nearly as well as he claims, only in low ranks was he performing well and that's mostly because of high survivor dc rates which result in a snowball. same thing with other killers, survivors just dc because "i don't like this killer" and the devs nerf them to the point that survivors don't have to do anything different to play against them. And his statements on ruin, he bitches it needs to be nerfed as he, without any sense of irony, is looping PH with casual ease but yeah, it's ruin that is the problem and not survivor power.

  8. Look I'm a survivor main too but why tf would ruin be nerfed for being meta? If that's the case, then survivor meta perks should be nerfed too because they're capable of making someone survive "too much" lol. Gen regression is a MUST at high mmr. This game is not balanced for high level play, so unfortunately high mmr for killer is shit. I've wanted to play killer and main mikey but I just don't want to be bullied or bother learning it at this point. I either smash teams or get bullied and I'd rather not learn killer atm. I feel bad for veteran killers struggling against high mmr swfs etc.

  9. People criticizing Ayrun's take are missing his main point: if you nerf meta perks, you can actually make and keep Killers strong without having to rely on those perks to make them playable.

  10. tru3 is such a baby theyre literally just playing the game idk where he gets massive ego survivors from, if anything he has the most fragile ego ive ever seen, dude is so cringe

  11. I always try to hear both sides when it comes to everything but for dbd its getting to the point where its annoying to hear people who only care about their side of the game out.I feel like if your going to talk about changes that need to be made for dbd you cant just play one side and think you know everything. This isnt just for this specific video but in general. Im tired of having to hear out those who blatantly only care about their own experience without a single thought of how their "fixes" would negatively impact the other side in dbds current state. Sure in a perfect game your ideal changes would be good but thats not wat dbd is yet.

  12. Why do the comments just shit on Ayrun when he's right? Ayrun's and Hexy's statements both make a lot of sense if you think about it.
    Ruin can single-handedly win you matches because the 200% regression is actually bonkers and can regress gens back to like 55% from 90%. And despite Ruin being able to regress gens by that much, the devs go by kill rates of the individual killers, which is also why Ayrum brought up Freddy. If you ask people, they'll tell you Freddy gets carried by perks, not by addons. And some of his best perks include Pop, Tinkerer, and Ruin,. But instead of changing the perks, they decided Freddy himself was the issue and nerfed him. (And I have to admit, the slowdown addons being changed was very nice to see, but their replacements are underwhelming.)
    However, Ruin can spawn in a shit spot and there are perks to counter Hexes altogether, so if you're using Ruin, it may be gone in less than a minute. These perks are also why Hexy said "Ruin + Undying are bad" because if both Hexes get cleansed, you be stuck with 2 perks for the rest of the match instead of just 3 if only Ruin got cleansed.
    Ruin is in a very awkward spot right now where both sides are correct when they say what they say. Ruin can carry but it also may disappear within 30s because of totems spawns. Even if you were to rework totem spawns, the fact that it's a hex perk still makes it horrible cause as soon as people know it exists, it'll be looked after and taken care of when found.

  13. Respected this Aryun guy until he started saying ruin got buffed and that it needs a nerf again, whilst running full meta+ self care and himself admitting he plays just for fun.
    And then he BMs at gate…

  14. Tru3 is not wrong when he says BHV only cares about casual and shit gamers player base which gets frustrating for the actual good players, so instead of having people actually try to learn the game and get better, they will just give everything to help them feel better about being trash at this game, so a lot of survivor mains who are not actually good at this game think they are, that is the true root of the toxic player base this game has between survivor and killers. It's like people that studied for years to reach some point in their career when someone else's gets to the same point with barely no effort because someone gave them an advantage which is okay, but then this person has the audacity of being toxic and brag about it, just fuck off mate. The perfect exemple is Matthew Santorro, lots of people shitting on him but there is SO many players that has the same mindset he has where he thinks he's so fucking good at the game, shits on his teammates and does 0 retrospection and gives his opinion on what is OP or whatnot but when you actually watch his streams and how he plays, he is literal dog water but BHV will balance the game for these types of players because the fact is that there is way more shit players than good players. On a last unrelated note, most of the whinny streamers in DBD are streamers that never were able to keep the momentum of their early twich hype years ago if you have been on the platform long enough to recognize most of them, I think it's funny that they all ended up washed up on DBD, IMO because I personally think this has to be one of the most gullible community I have seen, easy to farm viewers.

  15. Damn man, I love True for his biggest thing… He always plays good builds and with good add-ons since the SBMM, but he never stops complaining about survivors and their perks or playstyles. Holds W? Survivor of another caliber top 0.01 %. Loops pallet? These are top-tier survivors I'm going against. Pre-drops? This just shows how sweaty the survivors are.

    Today he played Blight with blighted crow and rat (second best set of add-ons after alch ring) and 4 slow-downs – ruindying and pop goes the tinkerer – and cried such a big river out of FOOKIN DEAD ARD, IT SAVES THEM that the river was named second Mississippi.

    Also, this vid is a good guide on why you shouldn't listen to entitled one-side mainers like true hexy or ayrun and should listen to people like Otz Scott Jund and Zubat.

  16. Ruin gets cleansed 1m into the game lmao. Stop complaining I swear. Survivors have perks and items to see all the damn totems 🤣 16 perks vs killers 4 perks get real.


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