PART 9 – 26 More Minutes of Killers Suffering with SBMM in Dead by Daylight | One Mistake = RIP

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In this episode of steamers enjoying MMR as killer: Tru3 gives some medicine, SpookyLoopz makes a fatal error, FarmerJohn shift S’s, and CoconutRTS gives the devs data!

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00:00 Intro
01:10 Tru3Ta1ent
07:49 SpookyLoopz
14:02 FarmerJohn
21:06 CoconutRTS

Music used : ” HORROR THEME ” composed and produced by “Vivek Abhishek”
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35 thoughts on “PART 9 – 26 More Minutes of Killers Suffering with SBMM in Dead by Daylight | One Mistake = RIP”

  1. I don't think SBMM was the problem in any of these matches except the last. I expected to see games where every player had DS or a match where the gens are done in 5 minutes flat. This was just bad maps, a toxic survivor and an annoying perk.

  2. Ironically I can understand farmer’s logic in the sense that just go for hooks and not kills since mmr brain fart logic means you are losing coz no kills. That and lower mmr is not as sweaty and you can just make fun builds and not use the same X perks to have a better chance.
    It’s the same logic with survivor where you depip even though you did good looping for your team because you didn’t escape. Just mmr things I guess.

  3. Yknow I literally played a game yesterday as a wraith where I played against 2 potato survivors and I’m talking a David who literally ran into a wall on the edge of the map and got stuck when I hit them kinda potato and had 4 hooks before the first gen popped. Then I chase a dwight for not even 2 minutes and in that time period 2 gens popped and I finally got a down. I put him on the hook and the 4th one pops. How do I go from 4 hooks at 5 gens to 5 hooks at one gen like bruh you literally can’t chase survivors for more then a minute in this state of the game

  4. This game is a joke. I don't see why anyone besides streamers getting paid to play killer, play killer. I played 1200 hours and that was enough for me. The game is grossly survivor sided and most of the community doesn't care because they only play survivor, while also being terrible at survivor so they think the game is killer sided.

  5. Everyone here tell me just how long until BHVR removes MMR I think 6 months or their game is gonna have a effect like cod has right now where you lose all the good players and your left with new players cause that's the MMR system for you

  6. I love these videos but that tru3talent part is so strange to me, cuz how do you have thousands of hours in this game and still find flashlight clicking annoying. I have 2k hours with 1k being on Killer and I stopped caring a looong time ago. there are far worse, more annoying things in this game imo

  7. Tru3 needs to stop playing killer and stop complain every 2 seconds. Dude complains about killer but still plays it. I stopped playing killer ever though I’m top tier at killer cause it’s unplayable now. But hey Tru3 just loves complaining.

  8. It’s actually funny reading the survivors always using “but old undying” when defending boons.
    It really just shows the lack of understanding what both sides are going through when playing the game and what ultimately is slowly destroying the game.
    Good video anyway


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